The awful hosting and piss poor connection in pvp.
Why has this issue which is very serious by the way, not been addressed at all throughout the whole entirety of year one?
Trials is usually laggy and consists of red bars and lag switchers.
Iron banner is usually unplayable and typically destroys the connection amongst all crucible modes.
On a regular basis the crucible is riddled with poor connections that ruins the pvp experience day in and day out.
As someone who finds pve dull and repetitive (and as well has similar connection issues) pvp is something I look forward to playing when im on with my clan but I find myself playing less and less because I hate dealing with bullet sponges and people aimlessly running into walls while drawing the fire of an entire team.
You will say "Report them in game" that is the best way, well I do, almost religiously for bad connections, mainly because it ruins my experience and it is a harmless report (or at least i believe it is?)
My main question is [b]What will the devs be doing to provide a better hosting experience in the coming year?[/b] or [b]What changes will be made to improve the way the P2P connections are being handled?[/b]
I'm not looking for dedicated servers, it's never going to happen. I even understand the game isn't region locked and there will be games which match people from different countries up with one another.
I'm just looking for an update on better net code and a better host picking process to keep games from degrading in quality.
- Still no updates from bungie or even an acknowledgement from Cozmo.
as a side note - spawns have been pretty awful lately.
For those wondering what my internet connection is like here is a rundown
-Comcast ISP
-hooked up directly to modem with a cat 6 lan cable (ps4)
- Static ip assigned, QoS setup, ports forwarded.
Ping test from East Coast USA (where i live) To Washington State, where bungie is [url][/url]
a B rating isnt half bad cross country.
Here is a speedtest from East to West, again, pretty good, I can't complain [url][/url]
To show how serious this issue i will be uploading an image of every match that has poor connection to get an idea of how consistent this problem is (with all the names blacked/whited out for the sake of forum conduct)
Take note of everyone's awful connections. (Pre-2.0 - all taken in less than 3 hours)
1. [url][/url] First game of the day, clash
2. [url][/url] just running it solo, clash
3. [url][/url] red bar players registered death late, very obnoxious.
4. [url][/url] Different game than #3, more awful connections.
5. [url][/url] [url][/url] These two are the same game, notice how a good connection drops drastically due to opponents poor connections
Post 2.0 Update: (i will continue until this thread allows me to no more post things, then i will just bump and create another reply on it... lets hope it doesn't come to this.
1. [url][/url] This person was eating all my teams bullets
2. [url][/url] - laggy game
3. [url][/url] - another laggy game
4. [url][/url] - not so laggy but the poor connection players were teleporting
5. [url][/url] - not so laggy but the poor connection players were teleporting
6. [url][/url] - incredibly laggy game
7. [url][/url] - another really laggy game
8. [url][/url] - game was going well then it struck!
9. [url][/url] - bad connections
10. [url][/url] - pretty bad connections
11. [url][/url] - not the same match as the #10 one
12. [url][/url] - 3 red bar players were teleporting around, reported them all for cheating. The other team won back from a large deficit at the end because they were lag switching cross map with swords D: Frustrating!
- hard.... not having dedicated servers and poor coding on matchmaking is destroying this game, and gaming experience of all of pvp players...
Bumped so hard I broke my screen...crap 😫
Edited by BumpUrRump: 9/28/2015 9:28:45 PMYeah, I can't understand why they brushed off important issues like this. It makes no sense to hype new modes like Trials and Rift only to be infested with poor connections. One of the biggest problems I'm encountering right now is rage quitting. Bungie has made idiotic bounties that encourage rage quitters. Can't keep a high enough k/d? Leave and find another room! In addition, the mercy rule doesn't work often-- there have been plenty of times that I join a game and the other team has nearly the winning score and the team I'm placed on has one active person and about 10th of the points. Why did the match continue? Last example, I played an entire skirmish match by myself (1:3). Sadly, I almost won, but why was that long match allowed to continue? Bungie has made a fun game, but I'm starting to think that they're too incompetent of a company to maintain their product.
Edited by Wu Gunjitzu: 9/28/2015 9:11:06 PMBAH BAH BAH BUMP!!!! Good question but I do believe that as long as people are paying and playing this broken game Bungivision will over look these problems. If everyone were to step away from destiny and move to something else they would have no other option but to fix the issue but that will never happen. Halo 5 is going to have dedicated servers and that's where I'll probably spend most of my time because this whole P2P lag is a mind F%$#
Because they dont give a fook about the game itself, only the business model. Seriously thats the only explanation you can take away from the crucible. This company built its foundation on solid PVP, now its garbage. Only 1 conclusion, make it just good enough to get away with. Collect money.
The servers do lag 80% of the time we game Lankes rather and maybe their servers are overheating and I need to turn up the air conditioning in where the servers are kept for upgrade to quad 4 64 bit Quadplex processors and build the servers and refrigeration room
Edited by SethK840: 9/28/2015 5:48:13 PMPleased to be someone who has been in the presence of greatness and learned alot, carried me through trials more than once, and is a beast.....take note of this advice from a top player kids oh yeah...bump dat
After weeks of reading nothing but thinly veiled hate posts which have nothing to do with feedback (nor have anything constructive to say) I'm glad there's someone posting about a real and serious issue that bungie needs to prioritize. The lag compensation code is broken. The matchmaking code is horrific and really works against above avg solo players. With increased emphasis on teamwork in the new modes, these problems will only become a lot worse. I hope bungie does something to address this asap. In the near term I can see myself being occupied with pve, but eventually we'll get bored of the raids and will have to come back to PvP.
I totally agree. Thanks for the articulate post/feedback. It is like finding a proverbial needle in the haystack.
Yeah I noticed that too. Definitely not lag cheaters just bad connections and bad servers. Wish they could run it like they did in halo, best connection was host most of the time and if it wasn't the game fixed it if it was bad lag
Activision. That's the one thing that's seriously plaguing this game
they did not care a whit last year so why would anything change this year? It is the same management people , and they truly don't give a toss, so hoping for things to get better is simply a waste of your time and resources. It makes more sense to move on and accept that Bungie is no longer a gamers game company.
I would have said " cheating" in PVP, looks like we all have different standards eh...
Stupid players?
Edited by Synge_X: 9/7/2015 11:59:16 PMBO3 has dedicated servers on PC because PC players demand it. Dedicated servers are no where to be found on any console version of COD. The PC community understands what it is and why it's crucial for gameplay. I would venture to say that 70% of the console online gaming community has no idea what matchmaking is. If they did, no one would ever brag about K/D because they would understand that it's all bullshit and Hosts have a massive advantage. What determines if you get host? Many factors determine host eligibility, none of which have anything to do with the player's knowledge of having a clean network setup. To make matters worse, in an effort to combat this massive disparity between host and client, lag compensation exists to give high ping players an edge, mostly in the form of aggressive headshot bloom which mirrors extreme auto aim. Where does this leave a majority of the community who have decent ping? Stuck between a rock and a hard place... The rock being... ultra high bandwidth hosts(who should be hosting for the better of the majority) killing you before they even appear on your screen. The HARD PLACE being... Ultra high ping players teleporting around, with magical two shot burst fire getting headshots by simply firing in your general direction. Don't even get me started on the rampant network manipulation, as P2P rewards a much network congestion as you can throw at the game. If the community would get their head out of their asses and stop bumping shit like the Marty O'Donell story or asking for features that Bungie has stated is not in the scope of the game(matchmaking), we could absolutely get some traction behind dedicated servers... Or at least put the matter to a close... Or get Bungie to tweak the matchmaking to acceptable levels.
The only thing plaguing this game are the players :D
The only thing plaguing this game is the whiners and the nerf herders
I agree. My main beef is lag cheaters. Can't understand why they even do it. I suck at Crucible but wouldn't even think of cheating.
Edited by Mar: 9/8/2015 5:53:39 AMhonestly i thought the general community is what is plaguing this game more than anything else. the lag and disconnects are a problem yeah, but even when the game kicked me out of a activity multiple times before the end i never thought it was more of a problem than some of the really stupid and obnoxious people who play it. not referring to the OP. if you are wondering who i am talking about look at a forum of anyone making a suggestion or actual constructive feedback and read the replies, you'll figure it out. i do feel your pain on the connection thing though, dark souls PvP was the same way. peer to peer connections only work well if the connections are in the same general area and not cross regions, a game like destiny should probably of had dedicated servers out the gate. but oh well, not much we can do but put the idea out there for bungie to switch over.
Here is my take after purchasing and having each Destiny installment as it has been released: What is the rush? Do I really want to win the race to receive the ultimate prize... Getting nerfed? As for lag and pvp, yupp. It is garbage and needs SERIOUS restructuring at the core. Other games have made it work...maybe Bungie should consult with some of them and see what they did.
Sorry mate you need to report them 1000 times before the lazy ban team get off their butts switch off the porn and ban that person they are just very lazy poeple.