I have 42,600 total in storage. What about you?
Edit: T3Tomasity is in the lead with 600k. Can anyone beat that?
Edit 2: to all those telling me I'm a moron for wanting to rush through this, I don't have that much time to play so I want to be able to finish it in a reasonable amount of time instead of like a year. Also I'm surprised no one saw the #prepareyouranus
Edited by Rto15: 9/7/2015 11:13:24 PMNot a lot
0. I also have no stored bounties, faction edging, etc. I am going in nude, like I did last September, because I want this to last. I mean no offense, but c'mon man.
I want to go in with the intent of enjoying the ride and not power levelling myself, blowing through the story in one day and waiting for six months for something new to do. That's just me though.
I have about 50 of each item to give to the cryptarch.
Will the current consumables work on the Taken.
Bout a thousand
Just hit 50k
Not enough
With the shards and energys and motes and all the consumables i wouldnt be surprised i'm nearing the 6 or 700.000
I'm poor but I've a friend who has over 100 5k glimmer makers plus 200 of each of the enemy class rewards(silken codex, house banners, etc)
Edited by GaryKaro: 9/7/2015 7:48:32 PMI did the math like 2 weeks ago, I had around 700k but I think it's a little more now.
About 180k
Infinite glimmer with glimmer farm so idk what the point of this is Lol
A lot......
1732 :)
I've got nearly the full 25,000. I had a bunch of redeemable stuff in the vault but i've been leveling up exotics so it got used up.
21k or so but I have one 5k consumable ready to use when I drop under 20k.
I have, oddly enough, exactly 30k sitting in my vault in various denominations waiting to be turned in. I really didn't think I had that much actually.
I have about 150k in total
About 80,000 in consumables. If we were to count shards and energies as well it would be about 600,000