Hahaha where do you get your numbers? Don't just state something as fact with no support
It was on another poll
"On another poll" interesting lol so aliens exist because it was polled and the results stated they exist..I'm dead
You're obviously just another hater like that idiot bdobbinsftw that's trying to spread negativity and hate all over #destiny
What a great assumption you made which automatically invalidates everything you have to say. I love the game just when you throw numbers around as if there was official data released stating the exact numbers tolled across all platforms and players makes me sick to my stomach. Get a basis for your argument besides being 100% fanboy then come back
Okay pull the fork out of your ass trollita wannabe. Every physical collectors edition was sold out in my area, and online, and i'm sure thousands others got the digital collectors (like myself) because the smart guardians know how big this DLC is. You're argument is pointless, and incorrect because most people who play this game regularly did in fact preorder TTK.
You're a -blam!-ing idiot pulling data out of your ass lmao please keep trying. Fail assumptions
You're kidding me right? The numbers I've seen across polls range from 70-90% that have already pre-ordered it. Just because I don't have a direct link to the polls doesn't mean that I'm dumb and making assumptions.
Your assumption that I hate the game and am spreading hate, are you not paying attention? See how I asked if you were or were not rather than assuming you weren't.