Uhuh ^~^
I thought that word meant that thingy that they put on your chest when your heart stops ._. You know ... Where the doc screams CLEAR and the body just jumps up ... Sorta... .-.
A defibrillator? ;o
[quote]A defibrillator? ;o[/quote] I did not read that as defibrillator... I think I should GI to bed in a bit ._. My reading skills are going down. But yeahhh... That's what I meant (/.\) My English is so good ;o
Shleep! ;o It's cute tho ^~^
I did shleep ;o for maybe 50 minutes.. Phone went off and banged my head against my nightstand ... ._. Pfft, ya know what I'm gonna say •~•
Awh, c'mere (/^~^)/ Yas, and I say nuuuuu!
I will shmack whoever disturbed my shleep ._. 5am... Who even calls you at that time ._. But yush \(^~^\) YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES >:
An ultra meanie!! >: *bites out of pure frustration* =(
An ultra super duper meanie >:O Ouch! ;-;
An evil person >: So sjorry but you asked or it =(
Yas ;-; It's okie
I must defeat them with garlic and ... Nvm, that's how you defeat Vampires ._. Maybe one day I'll smoochie it better when you agree =(
Garlic will still work! ;-; but I can't
Does it? O_o If I ever happen to get send to hell instead of the heaven I'm desperately trying to get in to, I'll take some garlic with me then. Just in case the devil comes a bit too close._. Yes, you can, I got proof ;o got it on camera!<3 x'D
Garlic breath can repel anything! =( Dangit ;-;
I have never had garlic bread... Don't even know what it looks like ;-; I told ya... One day! (/.\) xD
It's the best! ^~^ Yeah you did =(
But don't you turn into a ... Smelly smelling smellybean then? ;o MY LIFE IS NOW COMPLETE!<3 LOL
Yes :P <3
Oh joy... .-. So I actually screenshotted that, just in case you ever forget ;o<3
Nuuuuu! =(
Yuuuuuuuuuuuuuuushhhhhh \(^~^)/ What are the chances of it happening again!;o