In high hopes that Bungie sees they have a lot of loyal fans on Xbox One. #consolesunite
Vote & keep it clean in the comments below. Have a great day Guardians!
[i]This is a poll concerning the ridiculous timed exclusive. I may not know much about the topic, just curious what people thought about it. Don't get mad at me, I know a lot of you gots Bungies back, but hey I still play the game, and love it. [/i]
Everyone knows/assumes why they did it, but that's not what this poll is about. [u]Say what you think about the topic [/u] of [b]platform exclusivity[/b]
Why do people automatically jump to arguments, falsely claiming one system makes people a better player than the other system does? It's nothing but complete and utter horseshit incited by trolls and egomaniacal fanboys so they can gratify themselves emotionally. Gaming consoles, whichever one you play on, are strictly for playing games and having fun. Console exclusives are a marketing ploy for the console companies to make more money. That's it. It doesn't increase the actual quality of the consoles. So PS has the exclusives in Destiny. Microsoft [i]still has[/i] Halo. Not just a couple weapons and strikes, mind you. An entire gaming franchise. If they had partnered with Sony instead of Microsoft you all would still be arguing like children, but your roles would be reversed. At least xbox players still eventually get access to the [u]timed[/u] playstation exclusives. None of the Destiny exclusives have been game-changing. #firstworldproblems #itsjustagame