"Your welcome, and that reminds me" [b]He tosses you a special looking coin.[/b] "Access coin, keep that and don't loose it."
Primitive but can't be copied smart
"Exactly. Get some rest, you'll be starting soon and stay out of trouble."
Right but define teouble
"Don't do anything where the police will get involved."
Ok so i can have the occasional beer then
"If you can handle your liquor then yeah, wait how old are you?"
I'm following the laws of germany so at 16 i cam drink beer amd nothing else and only one glass
[b]He facepalms.[/b] "Shittttttttt."
Though i am 21
"Your 21?"
I know probably thinking the way this guy acts nah but yeah I am
"Alright good. I might've gotten fired."
Hey don't worry your my boss so i'm not gonna do anything stupid to get you fired
[b]He sighs with relief.[/b] "Thanks man."
No problem man [spoiler]but i will be having classes soon so i will probably only be on late[/spoiler]