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Edited by Rory Zero: 9/8/2015 10:48:02 PM

Unsportsmanlike Behavior in PVP

Hello Guardians, [i](Make sure to read the edits at the bottom of this post)[/i] I am proud to say that I am an avid supporter of the Destiny community. However, there is a line that is crossed CONSTANTLY while playing Trials of Osiris, and any other form of PVP. Every week, I hop onto Destiny with friends and clan mates in order to dominate the playing field in order to gain the Trials gear. With that said, there are many groups of people that can best us, whether our game is off, or they are just overall better at Trials. After winning the match (and during the match), there is many people "teabagging" and showing unsportsmanlike behavior. Not only do people do things non-verbally, there is many times that players have messaged me calling me out for me and my clan's skill level, which I find disrespectful. All in all, I don't expect this to stop. It is sadly a part of the competitive gaming culture. However, I think that Destiny as a gaming community is one of the greatest. PVE is the prime example of this. Random strangers will help you out in tough encounters with enemies, help you complete the raid if you never have, cheer you on for gaining cool loot and much more things that make this game extremely different from any other. I would LOVE to see this more in Destiny PVP. I am not asking for the skilled players to be less competitive, or to purposely lose a round. If you want to go 5 - 0, do it! I encourage you. However, reframe from being rude to fellow players. They are here because the love playing the game, just like you. If this topic has been touched upon before, I apologize for not looking into it. I wanted to voice my own opinion and I hope that you can respect this. If you agree with this, please comment your thoughts. I would like to see this on the trending forum post so that Bungie can see this. [b]EDIT:[/b] After reading many messages, let me make a few things clear. I am not raging, nor am I a sore loser. What I am saying is there is a lot of rude people who play the game and that goes with ANY multiplayer game. That's how it is! And I am not a fan of teabagging because it is degrading and shows that the players think they are the shit. However I could care less. The thing that pisses me off the most is when people message me afterwards with rude messages. Now just because I dislike these things, doesn't mean I can't handle it. I love Destiny and it's community, and what I am trying to say, is that we are better than that. To all of you people who have commented stories of helping others to the lighthouse, congratulating people on their performance, thank you. You are the guardians that deserve the rewards. You guys have fought, won, and continue to win afterwards because of your awesome leader skills. [b]Final Edit:[/b] Thank you for all the feedback. Once again, this isn't about having my feelings hurt, or that people are bullies and need to stop (which bullying is a serious issue), its more about how you act. Most of you are taking the Teabagging part of this post to literally. Overall I am saying is don't be a dick. However, I did recognize that it is impossible to eliminate that behavior. I have been told many stories of cyberbullying that has occurred through Destiny, and I think that shouldn't be okay to do. [b] I am the voice for the people that are scared to be judged or bullied on online forums or in game for voicing their opinions.[/b]

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  • Boo hoo the halo community never cried like bitches and slit their wrists over tea bagging. That's because that was the last of the non bitchy generation. You new comers to bungie need to piss off or grow a pair

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    8 Replies
    • Teabag is life. But messaging people after you beat them is not cool

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      • Most of the time the noob of the team tbags

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      • I find it funny when my team is winning in elimination/ToO and the other team FINALLY gets a round win because of supers and they instantly all start teabagging like they are pro. The butthurt is too real with some people. Or if I'm straight murdering someone with my sniper and theyre finally able to kill me with a blink shotgun combo and instantly teabag because of the one cheap kill they got. I love the butthurt in this game.

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        • oh wow you sound like a bitch. Part of compeitition is trashtalk etc just ask Larry bird or Micahel jordan. If you seriously get upset when someone teabags you then you are a super bitch. Life must be so damn hard for you

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        • Edited by xKCz: 9/8/2015 4:12:34 PM
          I got T-bagged quite a lot during trials yesterday. Usually by some guy who was doing terrible. (Why is it always the bad players?) Must be doing something right if they feel the need to single me out lol. I don't Tbag, as it appears to indicate butthurtedness.

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        • 2 instances I teabag... - If people use final round snipers - If they teabag first, in which case I will ignore all other enemies and blatantly drop the sack once I kill you.. and I will kill you. :)

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          • I only bag if I get bagged, but I normally do wave as my warlock. Awoken, so he bows and I do it as a sign of respect for a game well played, not arrogance.

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          • If you're a bladedancer using your super and I kill you before you kill me in trials I'll teabag your sorry ass, plain and simple. Also people depending on final round to kill me will get teabagged as well.

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            6 Replies
            • Edited by Adam: 9/8/2015 3:53:58 PM
              My clanmates and I spent the weekend helping people to the lighthouse for the first time, and while we had a lot of fun doing so, we ran into some real scumbags... Y'know the guys that dump their magazine then Final Round? Well we played a LOT of those. Funny thing is, those were pretty much the only guys who tea-bagged. Hell, most of the others would message us saying 'GG' after a close game. I'm used to it by now, and while it still frustrates me, you get on with it. For the people we helped though, for some of them it was literally their first experience of Trials... And it was marred by some of the scumbags that play this game. It's a shame.

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            • I feel sorry for those who can't get a laugh at people tea bagging them. This is a game, if people want to act like that, so be it. Besides, Bungie helped get the tea bag trend on the road. Of course people will tea bag in a Bungie game, it's like a tribute to their legacy.

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            • Hell if I play a bad team in trials, I'm just happy that I got lucky

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            • +1

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            • Welcome to the interwebs Kindgerguardian.

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            • I absolutely second every word you wrote. My experiences are that many more people playing pvp are still looking forward to receive a good social education. And this is not always a matter of age. Beyond that, every virtual would is always a welcome chance to hide behind an avatar and do things one would never do in real life. Sad, but true.

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            • You never played halo ,

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            • 0
              Rekt (x) Not Rekt ( )

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            • Edited by johnhdobbins: 9/8/2015 3:38:35 PM
              What i hate is when someone teabags me from across the map. If you are going to teabag, come do it on my dead body. I want to feel your nuts slap my chin.

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            • Edited by OldeSkoolKool: 9/8/2015 10:36:12 AM
              See my avatar? Bungie created it. People have been tea bagging since crouching has been in FPS's. Grow a pair and you too can can take part in the fun that is tea bagging. A tradition in the Bungie community since the first HALO was released.

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              3 Replies
              • I bag of they bag. Or I bag if I wrek the whole team Or If a whole team of warlocks self rez and get shut down. Or Actually I bag a lot [spoiler]stop being a little whiny bitch[/spoiler]

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              • Lmao. Shut up you over sensitive bitch

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                • Why do ppl care so much lol?

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                • I'll only send hate if I get it initially first. Perfect example from last night. Was running trials with my usual team. We came across a decent team that beat us in the first round. I got teabagged right away. We went on to win every round after that. We teabagged all of their orbs viciously after every round. Then after we won 5-1, I sent the guy that teabagged initially a message telling him he was awful. He told me to fuk off. Next game, we ended up matching against them again. We 5-0'd them tea bagging them hard the whole time. Then I sent a message saying "lolololol". Never heard back from him.

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                  • Anyone using Thorn catches a swift bagging. That's just how I play.

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                  • I read all these posts about people being upset over tea bagging and all I can think is "damn these people would have never lasted in halo matchmaking".

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                    • The only reason I teabagged last night was it was 4-4 in ToO and we were on our 9th match and the other team amazingly had their supers every single round. When we won my character prompted to glitch out while teabagging into ultimate teabag of 1000 teabags a second. I couldn't help myself lol .

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