Obviously we cant use these weapons yet so dont chuck a fit a me. This is based off looking at the perks and deciding what could be the best.
Ace of "Cayde's": Has 3rd eye, firefly and returns a bullet on precision kills. Fatebringer 2.0?
The First Curse: Bonus range, stability and movement speed when aiming down the sight. Kills while ADS increases range and stability until reloaded. Also has triple tap and the appearance of TLW. TLWs not so OP little bro?
Tlaloc: Omolon Scout rifle. Has better fire rate, handling and stability when your super is full. Has great stats already but this boost could make this weapon very deadly. Most of us have supers ready a lot of the match anyways right?
Tlaloc is the Aztec god of rain. Thanks for the trivia TheHunter
The Jade Rabbit: Previously known as the Fate of all Fools, this scout rifle is a PS exclusive. Chaining body shots increases precision damage and can return ammo to the mag upon doing so.
Boolean Gemini: Previously known and the 347 Vesta Dynasty, this scout rifle gives bonus agility on precision kills and bonus armor on body kills. This can stack 3 times. If only they were the other way around.
Fabian Strategy: This auto rifle is the chargers dream. Has crowd control to give a short damage boost after kills and kills while critically wounded can return health but best of all, its rate of fire, stability and handling are boosted when enemies are close.
Zhalo Supercell: The lightning firing AK47 is what its being called by some. It's projectiles can chain lightning and double kills give bonus super and can return ammo to the mag.
Zhalo supercell