For when i'm alive dumb dumb. But, I actually want to combine them with my old pants
I can't do that Tubbs. Pants are all unique. I can't just combine them!
Lame. But can you give me a mask version like you did with my other pants?
[spoiler]i gave you a mask for the shield pants. Do you want different pants?[/spoiler] We would have to find the mask first
[spoiler]sure why not[/spoiler] This is to much work. I'll just take new pants.
Alright. What kind of pants do you want?
[spoiler]plz don't say no...[/spoiler] Pants that can give me a healing factor. [spoiler]like Deadpool's [/spoiler]
So like regenerative health?
Like what Deadpool's got.
[spoiler]thats hard too do man. I'm trying to offer new power to people but I can't have people becoming too OP. One of the main reasons I don't duel with deadpool. There's no real way to beat him.[/spoiler]
[spoiler]so that's a no?[/spoiler]