originally posted in:BungieNetPlatform
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A while back, Sargo Darya put up a thread with a [url=https://www.bungie.net/en/Clan/Post/39966/67395215/0/0]dump of all known APIs[/url] at the time, however as far as I know there hasn't been any updates on this for a while now, likely due to developments with the [url=https://www.bungie.net/en/Clan/Post/39966/85087279/0/0]Official APIs[/url].
So, using https://www.bungie.net/Scripts/platform.lib.min.js, a website that unminifys scripts (to examine it) and some Regular Expression magic, here is an updated version based on the most recent version of the bungie.net scripts file:
I will create a new comment every time I spot new changes and will keep updating these Wikia pages whenever I spot changes, so treat them as your "master list".
Endpoints: [url]http://bungienetplatform.wikia.com/wiki/Endpoints[/url]
Globals: [url]http://bungienetplatform.wikia.com/wiki/Globals[/url]
Note: Dazarobbo has also set up a Wikia script to automatically generate pages for each global. [url]http://bungienetplatform.wikia.com/wiki/Category:Enum[/url]
Just be aware that if you see an API that isn't in the Official APIs, it will likely require authentication and/or not public for a reason. Also if a new API is public and hasn't been documented, there is a chance it might be still in development and prone to change, so be wary about relying on them straight away.
2.0 API Changes. New/Changed Endpoints [quote]UnmarkReplyAsAnswer POST /Forum/UnmarkReplyAsAnswer/[e]/ GetRecommendedGroups GET /Group/Recommended/ (was /Group/MyGroups/Recommended/[g]/) FlagItem POST /Ignore/Flag/ GetAdminHistory GET /Admin/GlobalHistory/[f]/[k]/ GetDestinySingleDefinition (appears to now accept a "version" parameter) GET /Destiny/Manifest/[manifestId]/[l]/ GetAllItemsSummary GET /Destiny/[f]/Account/[d]/Items/ (was /Destiny/[membershipType]/Account/[membershipId]/Summary/) GetAccountSummary GET /Destiny/[f]/Account/[d]/Summary/ GetVaultSummary GET /Destiny/[e]/MyAccount/Vault/Summary/ GetCharacterInventorySummary GET /Destiny/[f]/Account/[d]/Character/[h]/Inventory/Summary/ [/quote] New Globals [quote]"IgnoredItemType": { "GroupProfile": 5 } "Acl": { "BNextAdminHistory": 23 } "DestinyActivityModeType": { "Rift": 24, "AllMayhem": 25, "MayhemClash": 26, "MayhemRumble": 27, "ZoneControl": 28 } "DestinyItemType": { "Quest": 15 } "DestinyItemSubType": { "Sword": 18 } [/quote]