[mother]"sweety you have to go get to the ships there's no time"
[b]she says crying[/b]
"No, wait."
[b]she looks at you[/b]
"I saw her gunned down right before my eyes.."
[b]she sits down next to you[/b] "I'm so sorry"
"Have you lost a loved one or close friend?"
"I have I know what it feels like"
She hugs you*
[b]she hugs back[/b]
"Where do we go from here?"
"Our civilization has fallen but we can rebuild"
"But.. Here? It hardly looks like anything will grow."
"No not here we will find a new home"
"Who is that?" she points to a man wearing armor not unlike the soldiers*
The man approaches and kneels*
"Oh hello galdes"
"Your Grace."
"How are you?"
"Been better. Yourself?"
"I'm alive"
The teen girl goes to sleep on a tarp*
[b]the queen sighs and looks at the girl[/b] "Poor thing"
Galdes: "what are we going to do now?"
"Well the professor opened a portal to a safer place for everyone but I think me and Alexia are going to stay"
"Why stay here on this desolate wasteland?