Il supose that yer name. Mine Alejandro. Commander Alejandro Salazar form teh AIMC. *he hodls otu hsi hands turnign around letting hsi bionci eye be seen*
"Well i see i'm not the only one with an eye specialty" -Theron appears to have a monocle with multipe slots for different glass-
quite an interestign one you have. i have thsi oen cause me eye was gauged by shrapnel
"Must have hurt, and this is for my eye and for sniping"
*points at arm* thsi is fro killign stuff. lsot the original to a tank shell....
"Hmm tank shell nice"
yeah. happened back during the Mars vs UNSC conflcit. damm USNC costed me mosft of me ody and....dont wanna tlak abou that. hell i dont even ahve a real stomach!
"Really that's quite a weird body though i shouldn't be talking with my mind"
nah i am used to it. i aint got lungs either. repalced them but that wasnt a injury. its jsut standard Chemtrooper stuff. the stomach think was repalced with aa sistem that melts off organic food as fuel......qutie usefull actually saves on toilet paper
"I can guess still must be nice to remember stuff"
yep. but its mroe improtant to always elarn even more thats what me Dad said when I was child
"I can imagine"
yes is important *bites taco*
"Hmm i think i'll have a hamburger
good choice its a complete meal
"Yes i suppose it is" -pays 10 credits-
enjoy it
"Hopefully i will"
*he goes back to his tacos*
-tries hamburger-
Edited by Reborn Salazar: 9/9/2015 4:37:41 AM(you rolled a 20 you have succesfully tried the hambruger)
(I cast the spell of digestion)
(you rolled a negative 9001 . you now have explosive diarrea)
(Oh no the dam's about to burst XD)
*Sal ntoices your diarrea* *he hands a taco* Id help you....and eat it quickyl otherwise.well say goodbye to your arse