Post funny greentext that you've found
This thread needs more green text
Edited by ECCHO SIERRA: 9/10/2015 4:32:03 PM
Edited by ASAPGary12: 9/9/2015 8:14:50 PM>be 17 >miss
>be me >buff non-fig >evere1 h8's meh because im british >but da ladies love my accent >is reking scrubs in football *soccer* >american scrub picks up ball >thinks "fig americans" >remembers that handegg is just safe rugby >tackles the fuk out of him >andhisnameisjohncena.jpg >walsk away with ladies watching >juan of them says hello >i ignore her >im thinking "bitch pls" >does not get in trouble because american school >is now reking baller >i ride my bike to school next day >figs being figs >picking up the ball >tackles the shit out of em again >get up >gets out rugby ball >youbroughtthisuponyurself.jpg >rip them
What is this madness!?
>one time > in a galaxy not so far away > I found a thread > And that was it > *Disintegration*
These things happen...
The lack of grammar in these is driving me insane. Well, that's greentext for ya!
>be me >not gay >supre nice tho >also supre jock football stud man >approach pretty girl >she says, ew, go away >wat hell >approach prettier girl >um, hi, she says, do you need something >just wanted to kno wat dat mouf do >didnt say that >ask why people look at me funny >she laughs >i laugh >REALLY THOUGH I WANT TO KNO >she say, do you want to kno? >yeh >shows video >video shot through a bedroom window >video resembles self >video sucks >video becomes viral at skool >video is seen by teachers >videos of people watching video for first time >video is replayed in dreams >video is posted to facebook >video is sent to self by friends who deserve a fiery death >video is seen by one girl >one girl is hot chick >hot chick wants to help next time, says she >consider proposition >winning >hot chick comes over >hot chick gets me naked >hot chick goes to bathroom real quick >hot chick comes back to bedroom >hot chick is holding phone >hot chick laughs >i dont laugh >new nickname jack jack >pissed.jpeg
OP I love yours man
>I >Like >Chicken >Nuggets
That's why you want s dog
If someone doesn't have the name 4chan yet u should get it
>be me >awesome lyfe >teh end