The Cabal, if you didn't know, bleed heavily when killed with precision kills. This will expose young children to disgusting amounts of blood, which will cause mental issues later down the line. I don't want the children of Destiny becoming mass murderers. If you feel the same, please sign this post. Hopefully Bungie will remove these enemies, or at least the blood.
Successful troll is successful.
You don't want them to see blood but say nothing about shooting, meleeing, or grenading. Seems legit.
Shut the fucķ up
This joke isn't very funny but all the people taking it seriously is.
Your a idiot :) videogames dont make mass murderers thats like saying reading a book makes me a author or watching a movie a producer get that stupid ass thinking out of here [spoiler]boo hoo kids play gta an other crazy games cry somewhere else[/spoiler]
I'm only waiting for a solar nightfall with them.[spoiler]has that happened yet?[/spoiler]
Not sure if sarcasm or unsure of what blood actually looks like
This is true satire good job
Petition to stop you from whining
Petition to stop you from whining
It's like shadow of the colossus blood.
I say ban all children from Destiny instead, then add more cabal...
Play Tetris if this bothers you.
hey come visit my Twitch! I'm a new streamer and anything would help so much. Just looking for some followers and viewers! come check it out!
What!? .... "Shakes head at utter stupidity of OP"
I know it's a joke but SHHHH I like killing those, don't give Bungie ideas!
Hue hue hue
Petition to remove op and his account from forums
I must ask this.. Is this a joke!?
-blam!- you
What ???! Is this a joke??
It's not even blood... It's like, blackberry juice.
So many people take this seriously...
Don't remove cabal but get rid of blood and I completely agree with you but you can't just get rid of an enemy