The last of us is the most over rated game in the last decade and ponies claim its the second coming.
It has the most generic linear story and gameplay that will bore you to death. There is nothing amazing about this game. Is there so little to play on the ps4 that you say a 10 hour story game with no replay value is the best thing ever?
Long story short it doesn't deserve a 10/10. Deal with it.
The game is for casuals who love being spoon fed a game..
Edit: look below for upset movie lovers
So who is excited for over rated 2.0?
OK I'll take this like it's not a bait just to tell you that in order to express your opinion wether valid or not you need to use always "in my opinion" in case you disagree with someone or something else Now, IN MY OPINION, the last of us is one of the best games ever made in history of gaming Have a great day :)