Edit 7/25: For people having trouble with ideas, here's two themes that may help.
Theme #1
Class specific exotics: in the taken king, we're suppose to be getting some. Let's see what you guys can come up with.
Theme #2
Toxotics: this is basically an exotic with an amazing perk but it is also hurts you somehow.
Not really doing a competition because I'm very inconsistent.
Edit 7/24: Glad to see we're getting some traffic going again. I've decided to change what this forum is about. I want it to be a creation outlet for everyone to share their ideas, not just for exotic gear. Hopefully you guys like the change. I'll try and include some examples.
Edit 6/11: Wow, I'm surprised that people actually want this forum to stay alive. I'm sorry for being silent for so long so I've responded to a couple of posts. I'll try and respond to anyone else that adds something. Also I'm going to look for the list of exotics that I have from the last competition. I'll post it when I find it. I'm debating on doing another one. Message me if you think I should.
Exotic list - Old Favorites
I also included the names of all the creators.
Initial Upgrades:
Exotic Upgrade:
Here are some of my examples.
[spoiler]Name: Jester's Will
Type: exotic hunter helm
Description: Don't fall prey to the tricks of a mad jester. You will regret it.
Design: a normal hunter helmet with a white smiling mask surrounds the front of the helmet.
Attributes: Strength
Upgrades: melee attack speed, orbs regen melee energy
Exotic upgrade: Dancing Joker- the gunslingers throwing knife leaves a dancing after image of the guardian on the spot that it is thrown and lasts 8 seconds. In pve, they take aggro from enemies. In pvp they show up on the radar as enemies.[/spoiler]
[spoiler]Name: Rulers Helm
Type: Titan helmet
Description: When faced against the will of a king, one must ask, "How do I repent?"
Design: Golden helm with a crown melted into the top.
Attributes: Intellect
Upgrades: Grenades give more super energy, killing minions of the darkness grant more super energy
Exotic Upgrade: Monarch's Wrath- Fist of havoc does more damage and kills with your super grant the titan an armor of light that lasts 5 seconds.[/spoiler]
Void walker
[spoiler]Name: Abyss Gravity
Type: warlock helm
Description: Return to me...
Design: a grey warlock helm with small void particles surrounding it.
Attributes: Intellect, discipline
Upgrades: melee hits replenish grenade energy, more super energy from genade kills
Exotic Upgrade: Abyss Gravity- vortex grenades and nova bomb have an increased radius for their damaging fields. They also have a strong singularity effect that pulls people in its radius to the the center.
Sun singer
[spoiler]Name: Flight of Hermes
Type: Warlock boots
Description: True freedom is only known to the sky's.
Design: Navy blue pants with large golden wings on the outer left and right side of the feet.
Attributes: Discipline
Upgrades: heavy ammo, speed reload primaries
Exotic upgrade: Flight-extends the duration of angel of light. Grants a speed boost and better control while airborne.[/spoiler]
[spoiler]Name: Dynamo Luminescent
Type: Titan chest
Description: Bring forth the light.
Design: A dark blue armor piece with an orb of light inside the chest and two small ones on both shoulders.
Attributes: Intellect, Discipline
Upgrades: bonus special ammo, reload speed for pulse rifles
Exotic upgrade: Light Giver-Gift of light(orb gens with force barrier kills), gift of the void(damage to ward dawn gens orbs), and iron harvest(chance for orbs with heavy kills) are free perks. [/spoiler]
Blade dancer
[spoiler]Name: Shadow?
Exotic Upgrade: Nightcrawler-gain a blink slide and sliding gives a chance to go invisible[/spoiler]
I love to hear feedback about my own stuff as well
Some more of my ideas.
[spoiler]Name: Mike Titan
Type: titan gauntlets
Description: You just got knocked the -blam!- out!
Design: boxing gloves
Attributes: strength
Upgrades: melee speed, grenade hits give melee energy
Exotic: gives striker storm fist a stun ability as well as a knock back effect.
[spoiler]Name: Breacher's Gauntlets
Type: hunter gauntlets
Description: Knock Knock....
Design: bullets up and down the sleeves with grenades around the shoulder
Attributes: Discipline
Upgrades:orbs replenish health, melee replenishes grenade energy
Exotic upgrade: Specialist- Doubles the amount of clusters from Swarm and Skip grenades.
[spoiler]Name: Traveller's Dawn
Type: Titan Chest
Description: Bathe in the light of the traveller.
Design: clear muscle shaped armor with the the crest of the traveler in the top right.
Attributes: Intellect, strength
Upgrades: bonus heavy ammo, heavy reload speed
Exotic Upgrade: Supreme Aegis- Armor of light is a free perk
Name: One Armed Bandit 2.0
Description: I'll get lucky eventually...
Type: hunter gauntlets
Stats: Discipline
Perks: primary weapon loader, switchblade
Exotic perk: Jackpot!: Reloading any weapon has a 5 percent chance to grant a twice as large magazine (no extra reserve ammo cost), a 5 percent chance to grant your weapon a random element, and a 5 percent chance to have no reserve ammo cost whatsoever.
Design: elbows have a slot machine pull-arm-thing on them and the rest of the gauntlet is the little symbols in a slot machine spinning around.
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