originally posted in:The Digital Dojo
yeah sure...
How bout you just tell him to come out already...
*droids drop down into the ground*
[i]he is not here. If any more acts are made you will be shot down.[/i]
aha... *the droids chraging at mas speed towards the dojo* *the Ship starts firing orbital artillery*
Edited by Inflatablepants: 9/9/2015 10:09:36 PM*dojo cannons fire. Eliminating the droids on ground. They begin firing at the ship* [spoiler]why the aggression?[/spoiler]
[spoiler]he wants to kill Sad. Badly Long story[/spoiler] *the dojo dahs out fo the guns smoke. with AIMC frontal shields* HAHAHHA! *the ship is also protected by E-shields* I am No fool! (the rbotos boos t jumpa nd strke the dojo defenses starting to disable them*
Edited by Inflatablepants: 9/9/2015 10:28:08 PM[spoiler]well if they can get past dojo cannons I don't know what fire power will. They were designed by you...[/spoiler] [i]stratos. Call in the fleet.[/i] *stratos fleet surrounds the one ship. They all begin firing at once* *i decapitate one of the robots* [spoiler]you aren't here so...[/spoiler]
*the ships holds up but a major drop pod falls down* *more dorids sawrm the DOjo lookign for Sal and elminating anyhting ont heir path* *somethign speeds from orbit*
Oh boy... *eliminated the droids attacking the turrets. The turrets begin firing again*
*most turrets are disabled already* *more droids jump and cut the rturrets in haf this dorids have logner katanas and a turbine on the chest* *he droids dash around destroying turrets*
Edited by Dain Is Fren: 9/9/2015 11:29:46 PM*Varn begins to charge his hand cannons* I WONT LET YOU HARM YAN! THE DOJO MUST SURVIVE! [spoiler]His prime directive is to protect Yan, and she is inside the Dojo.[/spoiler]
*the droids look at Varn scan for a second then resume their search for Salazar*
*He obliterates them with a gigantic blast* TAKE THAT! YOU ARE NOT ALLOWED IN THE DOJO UNTIL YOU ARE GIVEN PERMISSION! [spoiler]Varn is an android. Just thought you'd like to know.[/spoiler]
*the robots are barely scratched and they all looka t the droid and draw their weapons. all fo them electirifed* *one stpes up and perfroms a slasha t mach 1 speed*
*The attack dinks off Varn's plating* Nanometal. Like it? *He blasts it in the face*
*the realses an electreical overlaod on you*
[spoiler]So an EMP? Please clarify.[/spoiler]
[spoiler]bascily but only affect you[/spoiler]
[spoiler]Okay.[/spoiler] *The pants Varn got from Pants protect him from it* *He blasts it again* [spoiler]His weak points are his joints.[/spoiler]
*the droid is send flying a sanothe rone lugnes and trusts hsi balde thght th emans shoudler juncture*
[spoiler]HE'S A GOSH DANG ANDROID.[/spoiler] *Varn reels back* That hurt... That hurt... THAT. HURTS. *A gigantic blast comes from his hands, exploding on impact*
[spoiler]still he has a human desgin i supsoe dso the would be shoulder[/spoiler] *the droid is balste d but more charge in attackign the weak spots they find*
[spoiler]You called him a man. He is not a man.[/spoiler] *He scans them for weaknesses*
[spoiler]<_< >_> theie AI center is on the chest udner their head........[/spoiler] *Another drodi trusts his blade throguht the other shoudler*
*He dodges to the side* Woah! *He grabs one of the droids, then blasts it in its AI core*
*thebodya rmor hodls up but its seeverly damaged. he droird trusts again faster*