So I wanted to create a thread that sheds light on the topic of internalizing "regrets." Not necessarily wishing you'd turn back the hands of time but looking at things for the best in the past and moving forward.
So tell us offtopic
If you knew then, what you know now what would have been different back then? Would the situations and the challenges you've faced been played out different with the present experiences you've encountered?
I can get pretty deep with words sometimes but answer as best as you can. :)
The only one I could think of for myself is having had been more patient with my parents with them learning English, since it was their 2nd language. My parents worked so very hard to get me and my siblings out here to the states to learn, progress (compared to what we came from it was a regress in education), and to fulfill our dreams. All the times I was embarrassed of my parents they had hopes that I would succeed in my life and one day be smarter than them. I own my own business now and have a beautiful family thanks to there support and hard work to raise me to be the best I can be. I just wish I wasn't such a little ass to them when I was young. Though now a days I've been really close to my parents now than I've ever been.
"The man who insists upon seeing with perfect clearness before he decides, never decides. Accept life, and you must accept regret."