originally posted in:The Digital Dojo
*the defend against the slahs the first one getting diasble d but stopifg the attack*
*a droid lugnes and truts at great speed*
*i slide under it while stabbing it with my knife*
*another droid intercept your slide iwht a slashing upercut at mach speed*
*the slash cuts up my body armor. I take out an EMP and stick it on the drone*
*the dorid then the tustsdownward as the EMP hasnt explodd yet piercing thght your lower body*
*i open up a small portal just large enough for me but not the drone to pass through, and go off to heal*
*the drones look aorudn and resume search*
Edited by Frog: 9/10/2015 1:35:02 AM*the EMP goes off, disrupting their circuitry*
*it only disrupcts th one who had it attached fro some seconds*