To all Titans doing the ward of dawn 50 kills challenge. This Challenge takes a little bit more time and precision due to the restrictive ness of the quest itself. The quest asks you to get kills with in the dawn or fist/grenade kills. It can be deceptive because its not accepting of just any kills.
In order to complete the quest you have to cycle between which type of kill you do. I would suggest first starting off trying to get a group of enemies together and then kill them with a grenade. Do you can to get a fist kill and then pull back. If you try to get multiple fist kills it won't work. The game will only accept kills from each one once. Then you have to wait a small duration before it'll accept the next kill. When you do get the ward of dawn make sure to get a kill with a gun and don't waste a fist or a grenade kill. From Lord of dawn switch back to your fist or grenade and continue the cycle.
My game would always crash when I punch on my defender Titan lol Anyone else?