The PS4 has 0 good exclusives and the fan base is a bunch of 8 year old neck beards
Halo beats ps4
Fan base is a bunch of 8 year olds. And what about Xbox? They aren't immature at times too? [spoiler]Oh yeah, it's the Internet, no matter what I say, I still can't win an argument. [/spoiler]
in terms of hardware the PS4 is a better system and the company that made it didn't blow the launch. Fan the flames harder troll. Destiny plays exactly like Halo so gg on that one.
[spoiler]Xbox sucks dick[/spoiler] [spoiler]ps4 sucks dick[/spoiler] [spoiler]PC sucks dick[/spoiler] [spoiler]Wii u master race[/spoiler]
Hahahaha. Children nowadays. Always searching for attention.
It comes with more strikes and maps and stuff.
IN all honesty guys, PC is better
I haven't laughed this well in years. [quote]Halo beats ps4[/quote]
Cause it is
Why are the Xbox players always complaining about the ps players? Usually that is because of jelousy cuz idgaf about anything on Xbox and never will.. while you on the other hand are here complaining about something you shouldn't care about. Clearly you are envious of ps players or you wouldn't even bring it up... psychology. .
Da Playstayshun Is Da Best Cumsole EVAR. All Of Da Xbax Owners Are Stewpeed XD
To be fair they have the [u]the last of us[/u] and [u]infamous 3[/u]
Because the internet was made for the working man. But became for the idiot.
Edited by LeaderLTT: 9/10/2015 4:33:49 AM#satire (>'.')> <('.'<) (^'.'^) <('.')> (v'.'v) ^('.')> <('.')^ (v'.')> <('.'v) (v'.'^) (^'.'v) ( '.') ('.' ) [spoiler]You have been greeted by Dancing Kirby[/spoiler]
Edited by DRAGON TH3 LION: 9/10/2015 4:26:11 AMBecause people like you keep the sides out of balance. You're why ps4 users think xbox sucks.
Because it is.
You're basically stooping to their level by posting this. Children and immature people think this way. I like my PS4, the exclusive content I have access to through Destiny is pretty cool in my opinion. I had an Xbox360 before I got my playstation and halo was pretty damn awesome as well. Both consoles have their strong suits as well as weak. Play which one you prefer and stop trying to compare them, a video game is a video game.
Edited by cardsfan_87: 9/10/2015 4:23:11 AMBecause it is.
i've said it before and i'll say it again.. the only thing worse than the destiny community is the cod community on the playstation network. Some of the biggest scrubs in gaming history.
We act like it's better because it is. I don't care about your exclusives. The console itself has better specs than the XOne. And about everyone being immature 8 year olds? You learn this at a young age: You surround yourself with people who act like you do. Remember that.
Because it is [spoiler]ayy lmao PC master race[/spoiler]
The same could be said about Xbox one. Bloodborne > xbone
They feel the need to compensate for their tiny little hands.
Edited by Llalla: 9/10/2015 4:18:24 AMIt is called Envy. It is also why you are posting here. People don't like the fact that people have things they don't. [quote][i]"envy is the resentment caused by another person having something that one does not have, but desires for oneself" "Often, envy involves a motive to "outdo or undo the rival's advantages". In part, this type of envy may be based on materialistic possessions rather than psychological states. Basically, people find themselves experiencing an overwhelming emotion due to someone else owning or possessing desirable items that they do not." "the pain caused by the good fortune of others" - Aristotle "a reluctance to see our own well-being overshadowed by another's because the standard we use to see how well off we are is not the intrinsic worth of our own well-being but how it compares with that of others" - Kant[/i][/quote]
Here's some ice cream Dont eat it! It's for ur @ss silly
I believe after 8 years of growth, a neck beard would become just a remarkably robust regular beard.
They like to stroke their e-pen [spoiler]but don't we all? :)[/spoiler]