The PS4 has 0 good exclusives and the fan base is a bunch of 8 year old neck beards
Halo beats ps4
As a prior PS4 owner, I can say without a doubt that ps4 is way better than xbone. I sold my ps4 and bought an xbone so me and my gf (now ex) could play Destiny together. Oh how I miss my ps4... As for both consoles player bases... [spoiler] we're all assholes[/spoiler] [spoiler] so -blam!- all y'all[/spoiler]
Because you think yours is better. #you'reahypocrite
The PS4 system IS better! ...than the past gen systems, lol Jade Rabbit for days though.
We are better because I have not once seen a PlayStation user wearing a fox racing shirt a monster hat and is obsessed with trucks and being a douche Aswell as PlayStation user respecting eachother and not posting unnecessary post about our opposing console. Every Xbox player I know always bitches about playstation users thinking they are the best and how Xbox is was better. How though? You complaining is proving that playstation users are better and ps4 and Xbox one have pretty much the same features as each other the only difference is playstation have a better processorand being able to run higher resolution graphics other than that there is no difference yes Bungie is giving us exclusive guns and strikes but that's just because Sony wants to be recognized more than Microsoft in destiny as it is one of the fastest growing games in a long time so Sony bought out and made it so that if Bungie wanted to put their game on sonys console than they would have to give them exclusive gear weapons excetera
Because it is. Not a fan of the milked trio xbox gets halo, gears forza every single year? yep thats why i never bother with xbox systems lol
Because most people are brand loyal and this argument is getting old!
Cuz it simply is
First of all playstation has great exclusives, uncharted, infamous, last of us. The only well known exclusive for Xbox is halo and if halo never existed then Xbox probably wouldn't have lasted, and honestly I feel halo is kinda overrated
Zero good exclusives? Ffx and ff7. Nuff said.
343 is TRASH! *See Halo: MCC Multiplayer for details.
8 year olds don't have beards.
Do you even bait, bro?
Hawk moon was a pretty good exclusive ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
I have a friend that plays Destiny on xbone. Know what he said when he saw it on my ps4? "Holy crap it looks so much better!"
Because it is [url=]]
Sorry I don't wanna buy an overpriced cable box.
XboX is crap
Edited by objdadon: 9/10/2015 6:33:16 AMBecause it is. You just keep holding on to what's left of what you call halo bud
-blam!- we got naughty dog.... Pushing gaming to its limits with uncharted 4... What do u have 343?? Dafuq making a cod wanna be
Both systems have ups and downs, please don't post stupid console wars things.
Edited by ZSmiff: 9/10/2015 6:29:01 AMI hadn't bought a console since I got an n64 as a child. I've been PC gaming for ages. I picked the ps4 because it has very clearly superior technology. To the best of my knowledge the only thing Microsoft has done better is create a slightly superior network interface. I got that from a conversation with a fellow who actually works for XBONE PR... The beauty of being a nerd in Seatown. The Xbox was not built as a gaming platform but as an entertainment center because a majority of 360 users ended spending way more time running back episodes of netflix and youtube than actually gaming. I bought a ps4 to game. I don't want or need an inferior movie box that also plays a couple neat titles. I'm not buying a Wii U for smash bros and I'm not buying an Xbone for Halo. That's some low EV.
Im ps4 and i can say neither is better. Its a matter of preference. Id love to have both but life.
Troll Lol I own both ps4 is superior graphically and but my favourite feature of next gen thus far is snap mode Xbox
I Need to buy an Xbox one to compare