*BRink returns and walks aorudn the City after having finally acomplished hsi revenge *
[b]some one taps his shoulder[/b]
huh? *truns around*
[b]lego stares him down[/b] Don't worry, just doing a favour, for a friend It's not really a favour an my friend is ded as well You know who [b]back hands you and jumps back[/b]
*he simply leans back dodging* aha......*he takes out his phone and keeps walking*
huh.......weirdo. *he looks at hsi phoen and keeps walking*
[b]beeping can be heared [/b]
*he looks back fro a second*
[b]a small directional explosive goes off as he looks back[/b]
*he make a back dhas awayfromt he blast* great.... *he cloaks*
[b]uses scans[/b]
*he cant be seen* *a ninjato katana goes trhoguht your chest from behind* (Brink) i dont like people poping up and trying to kill me......
I'm not trying to kill you [b]blade makes a mark[/b] I'm taking you to justice [b]knees you in the face[/b]
*he dodges while pulling the sword out, as he then trust the balde trohgt your knee* What do you mean by that?
For sal [b]uses my body weight to over power him and crushes [/b]
*he barrel rols away as he stbas you agaisnt the ground* waat Sal? Salazar? From the AIMC? Oh that bastard had it coming!
[b]sweep kicks[/b] I heard about you
*he jumps over ait and slices one fo your arms* oh yeah? what did you hear?
Edited by Devious_Melons: 9/11/2015 9:41:44 PM[b]gravabat blocks blade Shoots you in a full auto bust in the groin and abdomen [/b]
*he hops using the blade as pole he passe sby over you )and your seemignly undestrucitible BS from the Dojo :/) he lands and back steps as he cloaks*
[b]leaves and takes statistics[/b]
*somehtign jammed whatever was attempting to take his statistics* *a cartoon version of Brinks mask pops on your HUD laguhing*
[spoiler]itys in my mind [/spoiler]
[spoiler]Brink has a high tehc jammer with him. its pwoerfull enoguht to make Sals shield go offfline. Sorry but i dont want more Dojo bullshit ....liek you scanning someone else ot cheese them off next time,[/spoiler]