The thing that's got me worried and preemptively ranting is that the real faction quests can't actually be turned in yet; even yesterday turnin was locked on them. This is the only possible answer to something that could be a "faction quest" giving bad rewards. It certainly doesn't help that they're being so fvcking vague when there isn't nearly enough content in the area of the game they're talking about to be making such general statements where it actually means anything. They need to specify which quests, explain what's going on instead of leaving us in the dark for once(this is not a sword, they don't need to hype it for 20 minutes and show it at a disappointing camera angle for a split second if they're trying to piss people off) and fix the problem if it's truly this. Unless they use a completely off-the-walls quest tracking system this shouldn't be a hard fix by any means compared to some of the other things they've had to mess with. If it is legitimately too much trouble for Bungie to fix something that simple, they're gonna get flak from everywhere. I'm not sure even Moreconsole would sit quietly without any dissatisfaction considering he's already uploaded videos of both Hunter items and the striker Mark, aka two characters of his to wipe.
It's nothing to worry about. Nothing is vague in their post, it is very clearly stated, just don't look beyond what they are saying. They specifically stated faction quests and patrol quests. The subclass quests are neither of the two, so that's it, no glitch here. As far as not being able to turn in faction quests, maybe some people glitched into turning them in and it's a small minority? Not sure, but I can promise you the subclass quest is fine.
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