I have been looking to pre-order ttk since we were notified it will be the next DLC.
Been checking the PS4 store almost daily, now, only a week among launch - I still can't pre-order ttk, not on the psstore and not on the website you provided.
Yes I do have Destiny from day 1, yes I do have both of the expansions from day 1 they were out...
I have noticed a few countrys are able to pre-order. Why can't I, in the Netherlands? When can I? Will I still be able to get the pre advantages of the pre-order?
Its time for some clear answers Bungie..
Yours faithfully,
Destiny addict.
You can. Go into the store and search for the DLCs. Buy them (ore just one of them) for free. After purchasing it for 0€ you can preorder TTK.