I'm out patrolling the cosmodrome in 2.0 right now and after I completed a kill bounty my ghost just told me. "An encrypted message is coming to communications." (Or something like that) The bounty title is scrambled and the description says ?? ???? ??????. Anybody know or had the same thing happen?
Edit: So the "scrambled title" I stated wasn't so goofed up and I could read it as enemies defeated (like a kill bounty) and after I hit 50% it decoded. But now I'm on a second challenge and the title has less letters than the first.
Edit 2: Ok, apparently if you wait long enough, the title decodes. I guess the game is telling me "Hey moron, this is what you're supposed to do if you can read." The second challenge was getting critical kills and now I'm on the "final enigma". Another coded message though.
Edit 3: Well, first things off, the whole thing was a cool little mini game I guess. Anyways the final challenge asks you to collect resources. This counts for the planetary resource on the ground or a chest to get the percentage to 100. even an orb counts for some reason? Well, I dunno what I got as a reward but Nolan just said "Oh, that's what that message said." ( I didn't even get to hear or see it.) So... that's the end of that I guess.
Edit 4: Came across another one of these on mars and it was the same as "kill enemies" and "collect resources". But the last one was do a gesture (via on a sparrow or on the ground). Will display more info as it comes.
This must be what dude was talking about when he said "patrol quest items" won't drop until after the update.