Learn to read dummy, it specifically says if you complete the quest before the 15th you will NOT get the rewards. I know this is difficult to understand but come on man.
But more specific... if you COMPLETE it... or if you TURN it in be4 this date ???? Coz if it only happens if you turn it in early.. .not sure ... think it doesnt turn in automatically... so that should mean we can do the quest... we just dont have to finish them.... Im asking... Im not sure ...
You cant turn them in anymore. Gives you the big fancy "here's your reward screen" but no option to accept it and no reward listed. So just wait till TTK and cash it in, because you physically cannot do it now.
Sweet ! Thanks for the update !
It is not completed until you turn it in.
Thanks a lot Caveman !
It says "complete." Meaning, don't even finish the quest before 9/15 or you won't get the rewards when you turn it in.
Edited by OPC P1nc: 9/10/2015 11:35:33 AMI know what it says ;-) However I also know how bad people are with words ;-) So this slight nuance in words might not have been intended by Bungie... hence why I ask people who might actually know... I can READ, thank you ! Do you actually KNOW from knowledge, or are you just ASSUMING !!!! I bet its the latter, in that case ASSUMPTION IS THE MOTHER OF ALL F*CK UP ;-) So lets try and find out from someone who KNOWS !
I remember seeing a video of someone completing the faction subclass quest, they could not finish it and get rewards, they could only back out of the quest pop up, and there was text next to the B button (or circle if Playstation) that read "Not Now"
Sweet... I guess on SOME systems they did program it good ;-) Im on XBOX ONE .. hope its same for me... but at least we can start the quests ! Thanks a lot everyone !