Lots of people care... Dont assume just because you don't care no one else does either
i know more then 50% of the people dont care cuz people just want to play the game and a emblem is not as important as learning the new maps for pvp and pve .. while deciding what the weapon weapon set is for both pve and pvp are for which map and such.. so really an emblem.. compared to mechanics and them needing to fix other things in the game is more important? really..?
Wow where'd you get that statistic? Did you know that 84% of people make up statistics on the spot? No? Then hush because lots of players care about emblems that they may no longer have access to because of a screw up in the game. "Oh so what you were supposed to get an emblem and it's not your fault just throw more money at the screen and play for the weapons." That's you. If people didn't care about emblems or shaders or ships then why are there so many of them available to collect? Why is it something that has to be dropped by RNG- just like your weapons- or actually earned and can't be bought? That's like doing an exotic bounty and getting no weapon at the end- we want what we earned and were promised.