If i were you guys i would just sit and wait doing quests... Not trying to start an argument, heres why:
The quests will give you experience towards getting to lvl 40, whereas now no experience is awarded.
Its broken. Lets just wait till they fix it so we get out correct rewards
*for people with not a lot of time on their hands*
Do your daily resets and get your materials, trust me they come in handy when you're really tryin to get that revenant shader (dont try for it till next week... Its broken as well)
Already have the revenant shader.
The point is- there's nothing else to do. Especially for those of us who enjoy PvE. Literally everything has been removed and the only interesting thing left is rift. So of course a ton of people went to do their quests, it was new and different and fun and we didn't know the rewards so we were excited! Then after finishing were told that it's broken and if you've already done it you're screwed...you can see why some of us are upset by this lol
You'll get a lot of XP from the story missions too though.
whats broken? lmao i got revenant yesterday from levelling up with motes it on my hunter
When you get to level 25 on DO you get a quest from him, apparently when you turn that quest in you don't get your full rewards
yeah apparently so but thats why im waiting until i hear its safe before turning it in... i dont trust bungie after their previous incidences over the year -.-