I killed Silent Fang about 3 times now and the Grimoire card never popped. I can now no longer do this mission as they have removed all these bounties. Am I now unable to receive this card now due to a bug?
I just created a post in regards to this. Ive done this bounty a few times and never received the grimoire card at all! How do i go about getting this card. Its the only Fallen card im missing. Any suggested action?
Dude I feel your pain. It's the only one I'm missing as well :( I can't find any solutions online for it
Well its kinda Bs..paid for the expansion. even legit did the bounty kinda unfair that the card didnt drop..honestly i thought i had it until i checked this morning. Hope they offer a fix.
I'm sure there will be a fix in about a years time. I had the "reach rank 1 in crucible" achievement pop for me yesterday, a year after I did it.....
lmao yea a friend of mine logged on to have 5 achievements pop up for him at once after the update. just missing 2 for the platinum myself. Really hope its sooner.