So it's been announced that fallout 4's season pass is $30 yes that's for all the DLC they will ever do for Fallout 4 vs one Destiny DLC called the taken king which is $40 or $63 if you are in the UK (piss take Bungie)
How can any fanboy defend this? just admit you only defend this because you were sheeple enough to already pre order it and buy into the hype, no DLC is worth $40! never mind $63.
Even the season pass for The last of us was around £15/ $19.99.
Another game which had great DLC and is triple A was bioshock infinite and it's season pass was $19.99.
Notice a trend of what is reasonable ? no other company (even with the most loved and solid games) dares to be so ridiculous and anti consumer as Bungie/activision is with destiny you guys are beyond reasonable.
Destiny has the most overpriced DLC around we get SEASON PASSES CHEAPER FROM TRIPLE A DEVS!$30-Season-Pass-Revealed.html
Give this thread a thumbs up to get this across to bungie etc.
Fallout 4 FTW?