Titans get work done, yo. We killed Crota, now it's Oryx's turn.
Thanks for the backup, Warlocks and Hunters, but we've got it from here.
[u][b]OBLIGATORY EDIT:[/b][/u] My fellow Guardians, please remain calm! This isn't about superiority, or classism, or "master races"! This is simply a post to archive history! Our Titan brother killed Crota, son of Oryx! This is cause for celebration!
[u][b]To my fellow Titans:[/b][/u] Do not use this as an excuse to sneer at our fellow Guardians! We all fight as one, for the sake of the Light, to save our city and our people!
[u][b]To my Warlock brethren:[/b][/u] This is no insult to you! Without your mastery of the Light, we could not have stood against the Darkness for as long as we have! We Titans have long held the line whilst you wrought chaos and destruction down upon the heads of our enemies! You are our brothers and sisters in arms, and we could not push back against the Darkness without you!
[u][b]To the Hunters: [/b][/u] ...who let you back in the house?
The last line wins the forums.
Pretty sure most guardians have killed Crota a couple of times. #satire
Hunter scrubs were trying to blink shotgun thorn Crota, lol.
Edited by Kaos: 9/11/2015 3:00:05 PMwhy do i feel like titans and warlocks are hunters gay best friends
Aww how cute, now that you're a level above Crota you were able to kill him on hard?
This is the b8 i've seen in awhile.
They edited out the finale to that fight. The next 10 seconds went like this: Titan - "Leeeeeeerooooooy Jenkins!!" Nolanbot - "Guardian down!" Hunter - "What the heck was that all about?" Warlock - "Stupid St. 14 helmets make Titans feel all invincible. What do we do now?" Hunter - "Well, we can always 2-man it . . ." Warlock - "Yeah, sounds good. I gotta finish soon anyway. Mom says I gotta take a bath."
We are the wall that protects We will not be broken We will break everything with our massive penises
Edited by nG Primal: 9/11/2015 2:44:07 PMAll the new subclasses must come together before oryx can be defeated United, we are stronger
Those are some big words for a titan
I am a Warlock and approve of this message.
[quote][u][b]To the Hunters: [/b][/u] ...who let you back in the house?[/quote] Implying we left. Lol skrubs, we go wherever we damn please Anyways. Destiny is about the player. Your character did X in his/her story. My character did the same X in his/her story. It's like Pokémon.
That chaperone tho...
I cri evry tiem
How do you like your steak cooked?
Lmao warlock ass kiss much?
I love your warlock shout out.
My guess is the Warlock will be the posterboy (or in this case, postergirl, since the one in the trailers is a lady) for the next Taken King-level expansion. Hunter got most of the spotlight in the first trailer, and this time it was the Titan's turn. I just wish they hadn't used the overly old, cheesy "he's right behind me isn't he"-joke, I've seen it so many times it hardly gets a smirk out of me. That said, I wish you folks, whether you're a hunter, warlock or titan, would stop with this inane "lel x s00par race ahuehuehuehu"-shit.
Edited by Averag3: 9/11/2015 12:36:35 PMTo be fair strictly lore wise like roles and everything the Hunter would have scouted out the end found a way in and out talked to the vanguard or eris to start a raid, and talked to a warlock who expertise is in the hive or just has knowledge to figure out who it is and how to kill it, and finally the rule of 3 means a titan has to come, and the Hunter/warlock team would figure everything out while the titan assumed most experienced guardian would go in for the kill. So it makes sense - sincerely a Hunter
That to the hunters edit LMFAO
I think Bungie favors the Titan. If you would look at the game cover for TTK, whose in the middle? In movie posters, the one of importance is always place in the middle. The rest is just support for the one in the middle. I think they're doing that in reverence to their very first Titan, that made their day. Master Chief.
Edited by FancyCoffees: 9/11/2015 1:13:05 PMi think there is another reason titans are main focus...its marketing strategy...who looks at a titan and sees the closest resemblance to the halo franchise..consciously or sub consciously it triggers fans of those games to be drawn towards destiny..everyone else we just love the game its the people that HALO is the hot button and they push it with keeping the titan as the "main" influence....we all know hunters role in crota...BLAM him up! [spoiler]I play them all...they are all awesome.[/spoiler]
Oh you mean that Titan that runs headlong at crota and oryx in both trailers ? Oops " guardian down".
But it's like Groundhog Day out there. We keep killin' him. And killin' him. And it just never [i]takes[/i].