Titans get work done, yo. We killed Crota, now it's Oryx's turn.
Thanks for the backup, Warlocks and Hunters, but we've got it from here.
[u][b]OBLIGATORY EDIT:[/b][/u] My fellow Guardians, please remain calm! This isn't about superiority, or classism, or "master races"! This is simply a post to archive history! Our Titan brother killed Crota, son of Oryx! This is cause for celebration!
[u][b]To my fellow Titans:[/b][/u] Do not use this as an excuse to sneer at our fellow Guardians! We all fight as one, for the sake of the Light, to save our city and our people!
[u][b]To my Warlock brethren:[/b][/u] This is no insult to you! Without your mastery of the Light, we could not have stood against the Darkness for as long as we have! We Titans have long held the line whilst you wrought chaos and destruction down upon the heads of our enemies! You are our brothers and sisters in arms, and we could not push back against the Darkness without you!
[u][b]To the Hunters: [/b][/u] ...who let you back in the house?
[quote]To the Hunters: ...who let you back in the house?[/quote] Oh -blam!- off! lol
It didn't show what happens after, my guess is "guardian down"
Warlock master race. Titans have trex arms. . . and we taught the hunters how to do theyre precious blink. NUFF SAID.
You missed the point didn't you
*currently mains warlock, enters OP's topic and sets up chair and popcorn* Anyone want some popcorn? I've got plenty.
Hmm. My Titan killed Crota. So did my warlock. So did my hunter. Canon, no less.
He used the Chaperone as a primary. Typical. Jk the hammer looked great
they wanted to use the new supers. they saw it would be more fluid to the fight and more room for thought since it can be thrown like a grenade. they made this. people like you who think this is relevant to the story watch it. then its officially cannon. their is no lore to who killed crota. their will never be. don't assume that if its in the trailer it is cannon. the first one had a hunter blink with a incendiary grenade. your argument is invalid.
[quote][u][b]To the Hunters: [/b][/u] ...who let you back in the house?[/quote] Haaaahahahahaha
Hey, this is classism!
Anyone stopped and thought about the raid and you actually might have to use supers to take down Oryx?
Lol love this advert. Hunters and warlocks always late for the fight.
Edited by chill: 9/11/2015 5:16:15 AMVery cool. Does anyone remember though what class the team who first beat normal crota used? There was an article on here for worlds first crota kill and the team that beat him traded out one of their players to get a lvl 31 in. The 31 did enough damage allowing them to kill crota. What class was that 31? Does anyone remember? I'm wondering if bungie based it on that if that guy was a Titan.
I remember when I was 5 years old watching Cartoons while pointing at the tv saying "I'm that guy" then I grew up.
Swordbearer was usually a hunter You're welcome
Edited by Yakson5: 9/11/2015 5:14:04 AMLol, everyone here knows who ACTUALLY were the ones to kill Crota
Funny how most people asked for hunters to help with killing crota...
Edited by spartaboy777: 9/11/2015 5:11:29 AMRemember how well the Titans got through the Abyss??? I remember them all being dead by the 3rd lamp :^) Honestly, the only reason you got the trailer was to show off your new subclass, which was important since you all bitched for since "hurr titans are so harddddd we have no offensive supers aside from panic smash durrr" Hunters have had more Crota kills then either other class combined: that trailer is as close as most Titans will ever get :^)))))) Edit: LOTS of salty tears from all these titans that need to reinforce their masculinity in the face of their small man syndrome :^) yikes!
Funny how quick the children are to cry "noes, huntarz mestur rais!!!!!!!!1!!!"
But in real life, Titans just distract the boomers by blowing bubbles. Hunters are the ones that kill Crota, everyday.
Edited by arichiso: 9/11/2015 4:00:55 AMThat moment when Hunters were the ones killing Crota with his own sword while Titans sat in a bubble as a distraction for boomers.
So a titan can bear a sword. Big whoop.
Hahaha love this post.
I find it highly curious that these live action video trailers for Destiny use 3rd party music rather than Destiny's own epic scores. Not to say anything against the musical scores used in the trailers, God knows they are masterpieces in their own right, but there is a bit of a disconnect between the emotions Destiny seeks to portray and the emotions brought about from the scores played in these trailers. But then again, Activision has long since forgotten what it means to be a gamer, selling that part of their soul many moons ago to the lust of money. So I would no longer expect them to understand the concepts of tone, continuity, or conveyance of a video game.
Hunters carry all of you. Muted bitch
Kunt doest even know how many shots he fired from the chaperone... How did he kill Crota?