I'm sorry, I had to do it. But I'm also arguing against the fact that our old ghost was emotionless, so there, if that helps.
My opinion piece:
Oh God Nolan's character is bad. He so very much strikes me as a child. Very scared. Very in awe. [i]All the time.[/i] He's more neurotic as well, which is a thumbs down.
Peter Dinklage had emotions! They were just [i]subtle[/i]. He expressed worry, doubt, some fear, some awe (much less of those last two than nolan), and seriousness (and this is just a sample). Sure he didn't act like it was a dramatic play, but c'mon, to our characters all of this is serious! We're the last of our kind. People dying. Great evil. If I was fighting a war, I want my little robot companion to be business first, other stuff second. Plus he is a robot.
Thanks for reading, I just [i]had[/i] to do it. I just got finished with the Venus quests, and it hurt. I know this is all opinion, and I can respect if yours is different. What's your two cents?
In the "we've woken the hive" lines, Dinklebot sounded concerned. Twinklebot sounded curious like "hmm. We've woken the hive. How did we do that?"