originally posted in:BungieNetPlatform
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Hey everyone. I'd like to get vendors info. Vendors are "attached" to characters, so I need to use characters for this. I could use my characters. I want to keep record of items sold by the vendors. I don't care about the differences from user to user -- I'm thinking about items that are the same for everyone, like whichs shaders and emblems Eva Levante is selling. So I can use my characters to crawl those items. I just need a way to do that. The endpoint (/platform/Destiny/{platform}/MyAccount/Character/{charId}/Vendors/) requires "WebAuthorization". I'm not sure how I can do that. Any cheap/bad way of doing it is welcome. Even if I need to get a cookie (manually login) each week or something... I just need a way! :)
Thanks in advance, Guardians
Edited by Ingulit: 9/10/2015 11:51:26 PMKeep in mind that to have a full listing of all of the items vendors sell that everyone can see, you'll need to maintain three max-level-and-progression characters (one of each class) to keep your listing is up-to-date. If this is for personal use it's not a huge deal, but if you're planning on going the "I'll save the stocks to a server that my users all read from" route, if you get even a little behind in your Destiny progression all your users will see out-of-date or not-applicable information.