Titans get work done, yo. We killed Crota, now it's Oryx's turn.
Thanks for the backup, Warlocks and Hunters, but we've got it from here.
[u][b]OBLIGATORY EDIT:[/b][/u] My fellow Guardians, please remain calm! This isn't about superiority, or classism, or "master races"! This is simply a post to archive history! Our Titan brother killed Crota, son of Oryx! This is cause for celebration!
[u][b]To my fellow Titans:[/b][/u] Do not use this as an excuse to sneer at our fellow Guardians! We all fight as one, for the sake of the Light, to save our city and our people!
[u][b]To my Warlock brethren:[/b][/u] This is no insult to you! Without your mastery of the Light, we could not have stood against the Darkness for as long as we have! We Titans have long held the line whilst you wrought chaos and destruction down upon the heads of our enemies! You are our brothers and sisters in arms, and we could not push back against the Darkness without you!
[u][b]To the Hunters: [/b][/u] ...who let you back in the house?
Really wish Led Zeppelin would remove permission to use their music in these ads. Zeppelin is amazing and transcendent, these cocks at Bungievision are just trying to trade on that fact.