Well, considering the level cap for non taken king users is 34 and the rewards are 40, which is the New level cap for TTK, what we play now is just to try and convince more people to buy it because they enjoy what they have played so far and want to experience more of the game, that's if they enjoy it
Yeah but why open the quest line up to everyone then dropping a useless reward thats locked behind a £40 paywall? Why do we have to pay for TDB and HoW twice? Its hardly a fun experience when everyone outside fanboys are already bitter that we have tovre-purchase content. Bungie are just making enemies tbh
You will end up buying it....once you run around seeing all the sweet gear you will Never have and start to bitch and cry lol
Edited by Oldman73: 9/11/2015 12:22:52 PM[quote]You will end up buying it....once you run around seeing all the sweet gear you will Never have and start to bitch and cry lol[/quote] You're probably right. Lol i just want to WANT to buy it....not just feel like i have to so i dont lose last seasons content like weeklies and nightfall. Fingers crossed for 8/10 reviews 1st though
Lol hopefully
Pay for new content? I'll be damned.
[quote]Pay for new content? I'll be damned.[/quote] Pay for new content? Sure, but if you dont, bye bye weekly herioc...bye bye nightfall, hello 24/7 patrol. Lol
This is how gaming works. Since the first MMO.