[quote]This isn't about superiority, or classism, or "master races"!
[u][b]To the Hunters: [/b][/u] ...who let you back in the house?[/quote]
Seriously, shut the fûcking up. And go to Google hang out so you can hang yourself.
Wow, very original. Never heard that before. Good job at being the most hilarious, original, and edgy person on the Internet.
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You're a psycho bro!
Edited by Shortyducks: 9/11/2015 1:15:46 AMDamn, you never really picked up that whole sense of humor thing did you?
My goodness, that was more sodium than my recommended daily value!
Just don't be utterly retarded, there's a difference between being salty and informing.
[quote]Seriously, shut the fûcking up. And go to Google hang out so you can hang yourself.[/quote] Profanity and advocating suicide. I'd say that's pretty much about as salty as you can get.
I don't think you know what salty means. Salty means I'm whining about something, crying if you will. I'm just annoyed because you're absolutely retarded.
Nothing about the colloquial use of the word "salty" has to do with whining, and crying is only somewhat related. [quote]I'm just annoyed[/quote] This, however, would be a part of being salty. You can read up on it yourself, if you like! http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=salty I think most people would agree that you behavior is a clear indicator of a borderline dangerous overdoes of your daily sodium intake.
Lol the salt is real