Anyone else having a problem with 42 rounds going missing from their mag? I don't know about you but that's what I loved about the measure and now I'm worried that I'll have to dismantle this favorite gun of mine.
-Defender/Orb Factory here
EDIT: forget it. CTRL + F helped me on patch notes. fml
Ya. It is added to you reserve now you still have 300 rds. But only a normal mag... Go figure. So pissed. Was one of the best lmgs around.
Also on Hard Light, field scout doesnt work at all.
Everything got hit. Thunderlord now has 49 VoC has 19 Fang has 15
It's still good tho
Can you read?
I had to go back and look, but it's in the patch notes =/ Only applies to carried ammo, not clip size. Which is a shame, but at least I still have the ammo =P
You are an idiot.
Field scout only increases reserve ammo now. Really sucks for Corrective Measure and VoC
It doesnt work on any weapon currently i noticed on my fatebringer, VOC, and against all odds and was sad.