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9/11/2015 8:34:07 AM
if you're talking about a logical scientific principle then yes, a person would be expected to understand something if they claimed to 'know' it. but im not being a hypocrite because im talking about something in a different context. example. we are on top of a tall building and im scared because of the heights but then on ground level im not scared but i haven't become a hypocrite, we are just in a different context. nother example, A person cannot prove infinity. no one can supply infinite anything, nor can anyone truly imagine infinity because we have finite imaginations. we just walk around with this vague notion of something that it is so much that it never stops. thats similar to how i know something that i dont understand, unlike you, who you need a very clear and detailed explanation if you wanted to talk about it because you couldnt explain something that you dont understand. we are talking about radically different ideas and ways of looking at existence so why would i be a hypocrite for not being constrained by your shortcomings? thats like me calling you a hypocrite because your ideas dont follow the same logic as the Koran.

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