With the ridiculously easy bounties and little xp required I kinda felt like my levelling from 27 to 34 was too fast and not as satisfying it should've been. I'm not complaining about it, the options the new level system gives is great, but I can't shake the feeling that it should've taken longer.
Is this so more people will be level 34 by the time TTK is released?
I'd like something similar to Borderlands Badass points. That kept me playing just to keep my character improving. The grind had a sense of purpose and my character just kept getting better and better. They could be turned off for PVP (though I'd love to see some of the beasts hardcore players worked on!). You want to hook a player? The allure of building a powerful character is one hell of an incentive to play. The chance to be better than the next guy is a big motivator in the MMO and FPS communities. This game could be unique in that both skill and time could offer that opportunity.