With the ridiculously easy bounties and little xp required I kinda felt like my levelling from 27 to 34 was too fast and not as satisfying it should've been. I'm not complaining about it, the options the new level system gives is great, but I can't shake the feeling that it should've taken longer.
Is this so more people will be level 34 by the time TTK is released?
Edited by Sanctus Michael: 9/11/2015 9:24:08 AMNo. Because I'm betting everything will have a level 40 requirement when ttk comes out. Since your damage output and resistance is light determined and not level, there's no reason to make leveling a lengthy chore, light leveling will be. It's just changing your frame of mind. Year 1 level was the goal so that should take time. Year 2 it's light. Making leveling harder will only keep you from legendary vendor gear when ttk is out. I think that's why they said your yr 1 gear will be relevant the first few hours of ttk release, because everything else will have 40 requirement. Imagine how pissed people would be that they can't even use new stuff for days if leveling was harder. No, leveling needs to be fast and easy, it's only there to restrict and be a gate for non ttk players, to keep them from advancing thier light too much by restricting the weapons and armor they can use. Since they will have access to yr1 content only, a 240-300 light yr 1 player would crush yr 1 content.