To anyone else that is a bit annoyed at having to cough up £40 for the TTK Expansion, do what I did last week:
Sell Destiny on eBay for £20 and you've basically halved the cost of TTK, seeing as you can't buy it standalone and will get the full game anyway. Sorted, and a big Middle Finger Up to Bungie for ripping off their loyal British customers.
And for a few extra quid, I'll probably see if I can sell the codes for TDB and HoW on eBay too.
Not in Britain but I feel bad for you guys
Yeah I'm a Brit too and as much as I agree it's dumb, the last thing you should do is come and post about it on the forum. You'll get nothing but abuse -.-
Edited by ChrisOfTheDead: 9/14/2015 3:49:52 PMThe game apparently only comes with one single code that grants access to everything. I know a lot of people were hoping to sell the unnecessary codes for DLC that they already own.
Cant even buy just the digi download on 360 yet
I agree tbh I sold a bunch of old games at game and used the money to buy playstation wallet top up so got TTK Upgrade for around £29
Doubt you got £20 for destiny on eBay. I sold mine for £12 then take away ebays cut after. Also got some bad news for you - it's only one code to unlock all the DLC my TTK disk came on Saturday. Was going to sell the codes as well.
Sheesh I'm in the land of Aus,I've had to sell me dingo and the baby it dropped on me porch
I can't believe they are doing this to you guys. I've been getting Red Bulls with codes for my buddies across the pond to at least do a little something for them. -blam!- Bungie for charging yall more and holding out on Red Bull codes.
Oh ffs mute
Wow, who has paid you £20 for second-hand base Destiny? You're not really stinking the finger up at Bungie at all, you've really just stiffed some punter who I assume doesn't know what they're doing, and has just subsidised you. Only way to get a message over is to [u]not[/u] buy the expansion (at least until the price tag is sorted), which is what I'm [i]reluctantly[/i] doing. I've enjoyed the game, and consider I've had great value out of it, but as long as people over here pay these inflated prices, they're part of the problem - not just victims of it.
Surprised Bungie haven't deleted this thread!
Edited by Kil (Inept): 9/14/2015 10:51:52 AMMan you did well to get £20 for Destiny it's been cheaper new at few places in the last few weeks. But yeah however much you get this is the best way. Especially with the physical legendary edition being £37 on simply games. edit PS4 base Destiny is £13 on Amazon atm. So good timing on that sell :)
Cheap English -blam!- lol
Oh look, another person blaming Bungie for their government and economics. gg
Edited by gt5228: 9/14/2015 10:07:11 AMLet's be honest, the British are being charged extra because of the Revolutionary War and America is still sensitive to the whole British tax on tea and all. See if ya'll hadn't messed with the tea then we wouldn't be hitting you so hard for those video game taxes. How's it feel Britain, huh how's it feel?!?!?! Sorry but those are the breaks, next time DONT PHUK WITH A MAN'S TEA!!!
Latest news to rip us off even more, seems to be that unless you bought your Legendary Edition as a digital download or from Game, you do not qualify for the Suros weapons. They are not exclusive, to Game, it's just that no one else is allowed to have them. Also a little worrying that Game are also saying on their website that the Vanguard weapons pack for pre-ordering is not available on PS3 or XBox 360.
Edited by Fuelled Oats: 9/14/2015 10:00:32 AMI paid £20 too. The only way is digital.
You have it tough, £40 is about $85 aus dollars while TKK is only $70 is Australia. Probably a good reason why this is just wish I new...
I think Bungie Mod downvoted me for this post :)
Some people are getting ripped of far more than us Brits pal. Just deal with it.
Don't give blam! Already bought it
£40? Who care. Take my money bungie
Considering the amount of content and this basically being Destiny 2, I'm not sure if it is as overpriced as suggested. But hey, at least you're actually doing something rather than just whining on the forums, so kudos to you
Edited by Onedeaddude: 9/13/2015 12:07:55 PMI've done exactly the same. My legendary edition arrived yesterday. Sadly you cannot sell/gift TDB and HOW as there is only one code for the three DLCs. The main disk is exactly the same which made me laugh. The digital download is such a rip off.
Edited by WartyBean39438: 9/13/2015 12:01:47 PMAnd I love how all the British YouTube aren't complaining. They should scream at Bungie for this.
It's only 40$ not that much