So recently i heard some rather disturbing facts. 23% of people on these forums have beaten Crota's on hard.
This leaves a staggering 77% of people who i would not feel comfortable gaming with for end game content.
Not to mention those who haven't downed Skolas
I've been labeled an elitists before and probably will be labeled the same again but I'd rather winners had my back as opposed to well... Losers.
Therefore Laurea Prima will be my gold standard for this year.
Edit: Thanks for all the support. Laurea Prima will be the one downing Oryx first! See all you champions on the Dreadnaught!
Edit: I've had many the conversation about how people have dropped Skolas and they wonder if that qualifies. In my eyes yes. Skolas is the most recent test of skill and therefore a good measurement.
Edit: You don't have to wear the badge to be Fireteam material. Just have it.
Edit: According to all those out there who "just dont care" to fight the bosses. In your world Skolas breaks free. Crota destroys the Earth, or Atheon rips the timeline in half. Why even play then?
Edit: This is not directed at those just picking up the game, as pointed out in the post, I'm disappointed by Year Ones and the general lack of motivation.
Edit: I was asked for an image of the emblem. [url=][/url] There it is in all it's glory.
Just because you have the emblem does not mean you are skilled. I have played with people who have beaten the triumphs and they suck at the game. When you do oryx play with people who you know are good at the game not just because of an emblem.
Just thought I should chime in on the matter: The polls and posts are not quite accurate in representing [b][i]all[/i][/b] players. Heck, I've met plenty of players who would meet your "gold-standard" even though they didn't own the DB dlc.
I've beaten every moment of triumph every POE every raid. Gone flawless, gotten every exotic weapon and every exotic gear for Hunter(every iron banner weapon and Hunter armor) been playing since day 1. My crypt arc is a 108. And I do t consider my self an elitist
I feel really bad for whoever doesn't have it.
Is that a shader, never heard of it
Edited by Kage Goomba: 9/12/2015 1:39:27 AMJust because I have 2 Legitimate Hard Skolas Kills doesn't mean I'm not technically an expert on the subject as I know what to do. - Point being - making assumptions is the fastest way to getting your ass handed to you. Oh and welcome to the label "Elitist Asshole" now. [spoiler]Now I'm likely not going to wear the emblem only to shove it down your throat when you challenge me.[/spoiler]
Well...guess I should stop dragging my feet fir those gold chests. (Seriously, why is it even a triumph. Something like "reach X rank with a faction" would have been better. )
Those are scary statistics
That's just a dick move bro. It's one thing if the person is not listening or arguing or trolling (even though my friends and I troll each other in raids after several completions). However just because someone hasn't done something doesn't mean they are not capable of completing that task. If you are truly elite then you should be able to teach, lead, and if it comes down to it carry other players. Otherwise you aren't elite your just an asshat that doesn't live up to what he labeled himself.
Well, I can see your reasoning for that, but at this point you should already have an idea of who you plan on going into the raid with. If you were able to complete the others and skolas, then why wouldn't you just go with some of those same people you've done it multiple times with? I'd honestly take someone that's average at best that I know will listen and communicate, then a random off an lfg or the forums. I don't think I'll even be asking for anyone I don't know and trust to atleast cooperate to be running Kings Fall with. Especially not off the forums lol.
If I had a nickel for every "loser" I took through their first nightfall, or raid, or level 35 PoE... Your unwillingness to help the inexperienced is part of the reason so many have never, and will never complete many endgame activities. There are too many people in the game that see anyone who hasn't beaten these activities as a liability and a waste of time, when in reality, many are actually very capable players who simply haven't been given a chance. It's your prerogative to make an emblem your filter for the new endgame. It's also your prerogative to post this decision on the forums, though arguably, it was purely personal and didn't need to be made public knowledge. And it will be my prerogative to pick those you leave behind and help them kill Oryx. I believe people should help one another. We've all received help at one time or another.
See you on the other side.
I like to eat Slim Jims
I haven't done skolas but I don't suck at end game
I like having experienced players who have done vog at least so they understand mechanics but I'm more than happy helping newbies. Never know when you might luck up and find someone who just happens to be really good at it
Op you have less than 50 raids completed I have over 300 and I didn't bother with the emblem Please shut up. Muted.
I think Vault of Glass hard mode should be the main filter. At least 10 completions. This raid should be a lot more difficult and engaging as a raid like Vault of Glass than that glorified Strike called Crota's End and the small fireteam pseudo raid to kill Skolas. Heck, Qodron at level 34 is tougher than Skolas half the time. Vault of Glass requires so much more coordination with so many fewer cheese opportunities...if you can figure out VoG you are my type of teammate for King's Fall.
That's a good idea. Thanks!
I completed the year one emblem and I only playing sparingly on weekends...there's no excuse for not completing it!
Thanks for telling us you're going to play the game with your clan not like you joined it for that reason
Elitist no, jerk yes. There are so many things wrong with your post I really don't know where to begin.
"Must Have Gjallarhorn" is reborn Yes, I earned the emblem. Doesn't change anything. You're still the problem.
Edited by RORYWAN13: 9/12/2015 12:15:40 AMEh? Who gives a -blam!- what you think? It's the 34 thing all over again right? And you know what? It means nothing. You will get players who have been 2 months in the game who were carried through raids. Good luck with that knob.
I started playing destiny July 20th and the challenges were super easy
I've gotten my challenges done