So recently i heard some rather disturbing facts. 23% of people on these forums have beaten Crota's on hard.
This leaves a staggering 77% of people who i would not feel comfortable gaming with for end game content.
Not to mention those who haven't downed Skolas
I've been labeled an elitists before and probably will be labeled the same again but I'd rather winners had my back as opposed to well... Losers.
Therefore Laurea Prima will be my gold standard for this year.
Edit: Thanks for all the support. Laurea Prima will be the one downing Oryx first! See all you champions on the Dreadnaught!
Edit: I've had many the conversation about how people have dropped Skolas and they wonder if that qualifies. In my eyes yes. Skolas is the most recent test of skill and therefore a good measurement.
Edit: You don't have to wear the badge to be Fireteam material. Just have it.
Edit: According to all those out there who "just dont care" to fight the bosses. In your world Skolas breaks free. Crota destroys the Earth, or Atheon rips the timeline in half. Why even play then?
Edit: This is not directed at those just picking up the game, as pointed out in the post, I'm disappointed by Year Ones and the general lack of motivation.
Edit: I was asked for an image of the emblem. [url=][/url] There it is in all it's glory.
Thats kinda shity you should open your arms to some raid noobs that way they have a chance to play end game.
- seem like a pretty big douche to be honest. Not sure if I'd really [i]want[/i] to play with you.
It's like I'm talking greasy to an OG.
What is laurarea prime?
So the fact that its not worth my time means nothing? The RNG rewards aren't good enough. I do this for entertainment. When an activity feels like work, I don't do it. I understand that Destiny is NOT a skill based game and some require some measurement against others. That's ok but for me Its ALL about ME.
Skolas doesn't have a cp, i lost interest when I discovered this. So I haven't done it, oh well I guess.
Edited by raj: 9/13/2015 12:16:59 AMDude....none of your characters have a PvE K/D over 20....I wouldn't feel comfortable gaming with YOU. Practice killing some thrall dude, your titan is at can kill 14.3 thrall before dying. The only reason you're looking for that emblem is so you have a solid team to carry you.
You know, after I've read this thread a bit, I kinda agree with you on most parts. Like the Kings fall raid. But going low and calling people who just joined Destiny "Losers" is a bit harsh. Maybe, just "Noobish" would be a better term? Other then that, I agree with you.
Edited by NOTORIOUSpig124: 9/13/2015 12:19:47 AMLol I thought the title was saying laurea prima meant fireteam in English (as I believe it's Latin) whoops
Beating skolas is nowhere near worth it, i never bothered because the rewards where shit and spending a couple of hours on a so-so boss isnt what i wanted to do.
I've had it done for over a month.
Edited by mccwrc09: 9/13/2015 12:10:35 AMI have been told im great in PVE by great I mean Insane. havnt beat Skolas so am i out?
With the fear of being booted for never doing it before. I dnt blame some ppl. I nvr boot unexperienced players.
Just got my last golden chests!!!
I have my triumphs completed, but I don't have as much play time as the real pros. Would u call me a noob?
As much as I can agree you want a good way to find a strong team calling the rest losers is just low, people play for different reasons.
I don't blame you at all. For my Kings Fall raiding parties I will also be requiring the Laurea Prima emblem. There are going to be way too many new people starting this Tuesday and with only ~30 hours to play the raid before I leave for vacation, I don't have time for noobs.
Waaat? 77% haven't done crota on hard? Really? Wow... Thats kinda strange, i really expected more than just 23%. it's not like he's hard or anything (done it 2 man). The same thing for skolas :/
Yeah will be one of the main requirements. Don't want to be carrying bundle babies for first month or so.
Question. What would happen if due to misinformation or a misunderstanding, you deleted the character with which you completed the better part of the moments of triumph with. I have the Emblem you get for defeating Hard Crota. I have Skolas's emblem, and a Queenbreaker's bow to show. I had a Timebreaker, but it was deleted with my Hunter. What would you say then?
So, since I have not bought the DLC yet, I am a loser. Seems legit...
To all those complaining it's too hard to find the chests... I found the 11 I needed in about 45 minutes. If you're too lazy to YouTube that shit, that's your own problem.
Beaten all bosses on all level, playing for months, have most exotics just don't have the golden chests or public events. Would you accept me?
I agree with you. Anyone with the Laurea Prima proves that you are highly experienced and well rounded in each of Destiny's activities. That will also be my standard for making a fireteam. [spoiler]Are you on PS4?[/spoiler]
Really have to put labels on people dont ya, you big fuking dickbrain. [b]IT'S JUST A FUKING EMBLEM!!![/b] I don't care if people have it or not, and you shouldn't either! Why? Because being an asshole to other guardians because of one little thing is not part of "Becoming Legend" here.