Apply Newton's third law. F=ma. (Force of ship) = (Force of propellant)
Think of this as recoil in a gun. Yes it works the same in space. Gravity doesn't affect recoil. So plugging in mass and acceleration in the above equation you get:
(Mass of ship)*(Desired acceleration of ship) = (Mass of propellant)*(Acceleration of propellant).
In space, going in a straight line, and not worrying about orbital mechanics, you would need either a ton of fuel to propel the ship or some propellant that moves crazy fast in the opposite direction of the ship.
What you may be talking about "once in space" has to do with conservation of momentum, or Newton's first law. You won't be able to slow down that giant ship if you can get it going AND there's no opposing force.
If the ship is at a stop, a=0....therefore, regardless of how much it weighs, F=0. Any force applied to that object would move it. And as I stated above, and what you simply seemed to restate in your post, the amount of force applied to the object determines it's acceleration, not whether it could be moved or not. As long as the ship is not accelerating (changing velocity), a force upon that object of even the slightest amount would cause the object to have an acceleration.... I'm not trying to say opening a valve on a compressed oxygen tank will take you to a different galaxy. I'm just saying that even the tiniest amount of force on the object will, in fact, move it.
Well, if nothing got in your way to slow you down (gravity, etc) , if you opened oxygen tank and set yourself off in the general direction of another galaxy, you could probably reach one. Not, of course, accounting for the fact that that galaxy is not in the same place as it appears to be when viewed from your starting point, nor will it be there in however many millions of years it takes you to arrive at the place you aimed yourself at.