[b]The fact that so many idiots are gonna actually spend $20 on emotes is the single most ignorant thing that has happened in console gaming in the last 3 years.
You idiots are ruining the industry with your careless spending.
These things used to be INCLUDED WITH THE -blam!-ING GAME, but are now being removed and sold separately due to the fact that they know that sheep like you people will pay for them.
You people are an embarrassment.[/b]
Frugal spending encourages companies to take advantage of customers. By removing content and rewards that should be able to unlock by making progress in the game instead ofjust putting a price tag on it.
Except people are just gonna keep spending money. The inevitability of developers increasing the price for a product with less and less and less content is sad, sure, but that's capitalism.
Yup I understand their business plan I don't respect it at all Pay more more and more just to get less less and less in return It's like their trying to see how much they can get away with
My question to you would be why should a package of memento objects which are cosmetic and have no effect on game play other than to be a fun and completely unnecessary/optional keepsake be items that we "should be able to unlock by making progress in the game" instead of offering to customers as a collector's item. This isn't content that was removed and added later. It's not something that is going to alter game play in any meaningful way. Even the exotic class item is worthless after you reach level 40. Your argument would be valid in another scenario but not here. Not when the thing being offered is, in every way, optional and unnecessary and extremely limited in function.
If it serves no purpose why spend $20 on it The pricing is wrong if they are charging for it emotes and class items should cost as much as a expansion
But that's a value judgement of the individual that others shouldn't be able to make for them. You can't tell other people what something is or isn't worth [i]to them.[/i] Activision didn't do anything shady by offering people optional content so now it's up to them whether or not they decide to spend money on it. To me, a huge fan of Destiny who has thousands of hours sunk into the game, that content is worth $20. The same might not be true for you, but no one is telling you that you have to purchase it and there's no hidden incentive to purchase it anyway because it provides no actual advantage in gameplay. There is literally nothing wrong with the sales model as it stands.
I understand there business model just don't respect it but its capitalism I was elaborating on what the first person was saying in a more polite matter