"Wait so,then the girl that was shooting at us was....."
-looks dumbfounded-
"Then that was also"
-get's a little embaressed-
"Why are you embarrassed?"
"Well i'm a bit embaressed because, of the whole calling her beautiful thing etana, so she seems to be getting along well with the team you think about letting her join"
"Yeah. She's kind of crazy and no she won't be joking the team." [spoiler]She punches Etana in the arm.[/spoiler]
"Well i mean she obviously can fight i should know considering i got one in the shoulder" -glares at her-
[b]She looks back at you.[/b] Jenna:"I'm jenna."
"Well, i'm Theron that one guy who called you beautiful, want some cake"
Jenna:"No I'm okay."
"Right, so anyway welcome to the Firm"