This is ridiculous. 9/11 happened 14 years ago. Was it tragic? Sure. Did many people die? Yes. So what? Do we make a huge deal for weeks about the Rwanda Genocide? The Hiroshima bombing? Let it the -blam!- go. Let people grieve and mourn their lost ones in their own way. Stop milking 9/11. Making posts like "Sign to respect those who died in 9/11" is a pathetic and disrespectful way to remember those who died.
And if anyone makes a joke about it, don't be an over sensitive child and rage at them over the Internet. Let it go already.
Purse, out.
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Did you know, the Japanese used the jet-stream to fly bombs over to America in WWII? Yeah, they killed like 6 kids in Oregon...
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But who doesn't like to remember the good ol' days after 9-11? It's all about the war economy son.
I agree, jokes about 9/11 are [i]plane[/i] wrong.
What's The Taliban's favorite NFL team? The New York Jets.
[quote]The Hiroshima Bombing[/quote]
Why is this revived? Bump the bump
Ohhh so that's why my friends had a party that day...
Beams melt jet steel
Edited by Green Twister: 11/8/2015 3:00:44 PMI heard lizard people made it happend Sorry i had to , yeah some people likes to joke about it like it is some meme.
9-11 did change the way Americans live for the better so it's kind of a turning point/change for the better
But I love the Porsche 911 :(
Holy shiz I agree with purse for once
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Person, a lot of people died on 9/11, so shut it and show some respect
Look at the videos, man
Umm, no. I will always remember and respect the people who died trying to get people out. And to all those retards who make jokes about 9/11, what if you had loved ones who died in 9/11. I have a special connection to it because I saw in person the south tower fall. It was one oft the scariest moments in my life to see a massive building just fall down. [spoiler]also, op is a dumbass and lettuce [/spoiler]
John cena caused 9/11
Turnip apparently likes this statement
Wow, I guess purse loves to through bait out there for everyone to get caught on not even knowing thats what he wanted all along. lol
Edited by Beer: 11/8/2015 10:00:12 AMLooks like someone wants to be the King of Controversy.
Let us have a moment of silence for those who lost their lives flying into the building that day.