You know the ones I'm talking about...
[b]Winning Team[/b]
[b]Organized Play[/b]
[b]Team That Works Together[/b]
I saw what you did there you clever monkeys and I approve. It's good to encourage teamwork and friendship building.
Now if you don't mind, [url=]just put LFG in game and we can friendship build till the cows come home.[/url]
Thanks you beautiful bastards. Oh, and one more thing...
[url=]I'm not aware of too many things, but I know what I know if you know what I mean.[/url]
An in game lfg is needed. Even if it's just an option to go to a tower clone/instance specifically for an activity. It could work like this. You click on the activity you want. Say 35 prison of elders. It shows you in orbit and has your destination, and Launch button. Above Launch it would say Tower. If you click on Tower it will take you to a specific instance on the Tower and only people looking to find teammates for that activity will load into that instance. It could be employed for any endgame activity that doesn't match make and would take very little additional coding.
My friends don't like PvP, so I play solo. I just skip those bounties. I'm almost done with Crucible entirely, so they don't bother me that much.
in-game lfg is a must, they could also add in a hosted lobby system to allow for private crucible matches while at the same time allowing for match made acceptance strikes, raids and other activities
Edited by Kone19ps: 9/14/2015 8:49:46 PMAlso from experience I've been messaging my friend list to do the pvp bounties and almost exclusively the first answer is, "oh I wasn't even going to bother with those." Anyone with out a regular pvp oriented group just passed these by. A great step with these bounties if they had matchmaking options, but for those getting into pvp I feel like they are just pushing more people away. And as many know messaging in itself is controversial which i don't understand much so that's not time efficient either. Always thought mass messages were fine since they are gone in 4 button clicks and i haven't had to do anything but the pilot servitor and skolas in Poe 35 since how dropped because of them. Solo players with limited time like me shouldn't be pushed away because of required pregrouping.
Edited by Kone19ps: 9/14/2015 8:26:16 PMMay have said it already but will again for the bump. All bounties should be redeemable and chosen from menu and orbit. Then turn bounty bot and his shiny board into private lobbies and lfg. He has it right there and it would give me a reason to go to the tower besides just to go to bounty bot and leave again. Haven't thought about how that could be set up yet but it kills three birds with one stone. More useful tower, less useless tower, and in game matchmaking options.
And for those who argue against it, that's the lovely thing about optional matchmaking. It's OPTIONAL. ^^
Yup, all this forced fireteam activities and zero fireteam creation tools available is ridiculous. Brand new players will quickly be discouraged from these activities.
The only problem is for when I don't have friends online. I got my xbox one on saturday, and before that I played on 360. I only have about 5-6 friends so far that play One. It's hard for me right now. But yeah, overall, this is a great way to encourage socialization with other players in the destiny community.
Your concerns are important to us. In the meantime just keep your wallet open and keep throwing money at the screen. Deej out.
What does bump mean?
_ - old
Philosophy, is the talk on cereal box (or some such sh..) BUMP -
Ello lost sols, and a bump to you as well
More bump
Holy wow, I haven't heard that song in while.
But the fact that the xp they give is absolutely pitiful is the only downside
Can always count on Lost Sols to be the alpha nerd.
I is what I is and you are where you was....or what?
I know this is totally unrelated but what about a 6 man Fireteam patrol? Really wanted that, especially with the Court of Oryx on the horizon. Then again they capped that area at 9 Guardians so... Oh whatever.
More console - ha ha :)
Thumbs up